Net Neutrality Debated Again

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
After the whole Comcast/Bittorrent dust up, once again people are debating the idea of making laws to enforce internet traffic and keep it open.

Net neutrality, as it's often called, is the principle that all content transmitted over a cable or a phone company's network be treated equally and without preference. Last year, several consumer groups and Internet companies banded together to lobby Congress to pass a law to protect this principle. But those attempts failed.
Sign it into law before ALL Isp's do this. We, the people who vote you idiots into office, WE want Net Neutrality.:D
Net neutrality, as it's often called, is the principle that all content transmitted over a cable or a phone company's network be treated equally and without preference. Last year, several consumer groups and Internet companies banded together to lobby Congress to pass a law to protect this principle. But those attempts failed.

As long as they make the distinction between protocol and content(source/destination) in the law, I'm fine with it.

QoS should be allowed. There is no reason not to put all filesharing protocols in the bulk transport class so that other services are not interrupted. Hell, this is what your gaming routers do to make the internet usable when gaming and torrenting.

This would have the effect of reducing bittorrent speeds during times when the rest of the network has reached capacity and have no impact on it when the network is not at capacity.