NetApp DS14...what should i do?


Apr 2, 2010
ok heres the deal.....i got 3 NetApp DS14 with filers sitting in my room and i dont know what to do with them now....

any ideas???
Sell them and use the money to purchase equipment more suitable for what you need.

I've got millions of dollars worth of Netapp hardware at work and they are absolutely fabulous pieces of hardware for what they are and the support from Netapp that comes with it is top notch. They're designed to serve thousands of unique connections at a time, something you'll never encounter at home. That said, you can build something more effective for a home environment with higher capacity to boot.

How big are the hard drives in the shelves? 200, 300 Gigs? You can get 2TB drives nowadays for a lot less that replacing those FCAL SCSI drives. And the DS14 shelves can't take anything but those expensive, yet low capacity FCAL hard drives. And how about the power requirements? You'll spend $500-$800 a month powering a full Netapp cluster not to mention the noise.
Well I did have them setup for my home network for awhile simply because I had them and didnt feel like buying the parts for a FreeNAS (all my comps are tied up with dev work). I live with 20+ people so it was kinda nice but you are right with the elec. bill (a bit scary considering how much equiptment I run in my room alone nevermind the server cabinet.

I was thinking about selling them but i really want a good price for them since they are expensive units. Plus if I really wanted to sell some of my useless but insane comp stuff at home it would start with my 12 port fiber channel switch that is currently holding up my NetApp arrays. (lol i love stupid employers that throw this shit out!)