Netbooks- What to look out for in the future?


Limp Gawd
Jun 10, 2006
Hey guys, I am looking at getting a net book sub $500. I'm wondering if you know of anything I should wait for. I am looking at getting it around late April.

I just did some quick research and I'm digging the 374$ price on the ASUS Eee PC EPC1000HE. 1.6ghz 1gig, 160 hdd, led back lit, and 6 cell battery..

Id be interested in something with a better resolution and faster processor if the price was still sub 500$ if not then I wouldnt mind getting the 1000HE at a lower price and upgrade to 2gig ram.


My usages are to listen to music, check emails, write simple word docs, and look up images and websites for inspiration when I am sketching. Quick youtube response would be great as well.

I've got no need for SSD as I'd rather have the storage for music. I understand I can get a 250gig portable for cheap these days but I think 160gig will be plenty.

I understand ergonomics of the keyboard and mouse have been issues but they are minor to me. I have small/medium hands so keyboard doesnt really effect me. I can always get a usb mouse if the touchpad is that bad, but I believe they are upgrading the quality of these peripherals now anyway.

So anyway, if there is something I should look out for I'd appreciate a heads up.
Don't worry about a faster processor. The Atoms should be able handle all that stuff with ease.
Yeah I figured that, but I just am not sure if something will come out shortly after I buy it so I'm wondering if you guys know something I should wait for. If not, then I'll be all over what is out currently.
i doubt there be changes to processor since atom just came out not to long ago. Most likely the biggest upgrades in netbook be the audio, memory, and battery time.

At the moment I'm looking into the new U115 MSI wind which is said to have 15 hours of battery life. Will have to confirm once they do reviews and test runs.
At the moment I'm looking into the new U115 MSI wind which is said to have 15 hours of battery life. Will have to confirm once they do reviews and test runs.

It was confirmed via the Battery Eater benchmark.
no release date yet and im sure the 1000ha will be enough for me. no need to waste and be greedy.
im about to buy this thing this week!

looking around newegg for deals + 2 gig ram.. anything else you guys recommend me buy with it?
I think the biggest thing for me in this Netbook's or Mini's is the HD. I saw the one dell is offering and 2 of the model's have 40-60-80GB HD options at 5400rpm. Now these things were designed for cloud computing is what i call it. I would rather get one with a SSD drive instead of an 2.5HD. You know being this small it is going to have problems being dropped or abused. Why i would not want one with a actual HD.
apparently there are news that netbooks may soon come with ATI atom graphic cards. It was suppose to be in the new MSI wind Eco U110 but then they denied it. But just keep a watch in the next couple of months. I'm pretty sure graphic cards is the main big thing for changes on the netbooks
apparently there are news that netbooks may soon come with ATI atom graphic cards.


Please do even a little research before coming up with stuff like that. :)

The next big step will be the move to the NVidia ION platform. Currently we are waiting on the Atom + Intel GN40 which was supposed to be in the EeePC 1000HE but it ended up using a standard 945GSE.

So to answer the OP's original question, we are waiting for Atom + GN40, then Atom + 9400M (ION).
Well we are always waiting for something so It's not really going to make a huge difference.
i did research its posted on if you don't believe them then you got an issue. Go see a mental doctor.
i did research its posted on if you don't believe them then you got an issue. Go see a mental doctor.

I think you are confused. There is nothing by ATI called the Atom. That is an Intel processor. Please, provide factual links.
If that is the case then he was still confused. Not to mention that that was a typo on MSI's part and the new Wind doesn't actually have that GPU.
I'm waiting for a 1366x768 screen in a netbook myself along with better video decoding capabilities.
Via has it for you! Of course, its not out yet but they are developing a 1080i netbook using their new processor. I doubt I'll be in a spot to buy it when it comes out, but it certainly pushes the rest out there to step up :)
at the end of this year, the Atoms should be system on chip (SOC) designs...

and those SOCs should have much better graphics than the current crop + much better battery life....

i think thats when i'll be jumping back into the netbook arena myself...
Via has it for you! Of course, its not out yet but they are developing a 1080i netbook using their new processor. I doubt I'll be in a spot to buy it when it comes out, but it certainly pushes the rest out there to step up :)

Once again... factual links?

And a 1080i netbook? There is so many things wrong with that idea. :confused:
Well you should have clarified that it will be capable of decoding 1080p H264, not that it was a "1080p netbook". That would imply that it has a 1920x1080 screen, which would not make any sense in a netbook.

FWIW, I am much more interested in a solid ION based netbook to replace my Aspire One over something with a Via solution in it.
I just sprung and bought the blue 1000he and a 2GB OCZ stick from the Egg today... Gonna clean it off, delete the 80GB partitions, and toss on a spare copy of XP Pro on there. Will report back in a couple days =)
I'd look into the Acer Aspire One 10.1" model as well btw, it doesn't have integrated BT or 8012.11N; but it does have a slightly better keyboard layout imo and it's like $25 cheaper as well. There were some reports of them not shipping with the larger batteries that shipped to reviewers (and can be found on most recent netbooks like the 1000HE), but everyone online seems to be getting that battery up to today regardless. It's also got some mouse gestures on a better behaved Synaptics touchpad imo, mouse gestures often being touted as an ASUS/EEE PC exclusive feature amongst netbooks.

I'm loving my AAO 8.9" (6 cell battery, 160GB HD), even though I paid $400 for it... I've had it since November and I don't regret getting it for a moment. Though the AAO 10.1" for $50 less with a larger screen/battery makes me jealous (the new ones get like two extra hours even though they're both 6-cells, just higher mAh rated).

Initially I really wanted an SSD-equipped netbook, but the truth is SSD's just aren't there yet (at an affordable price point). They're slower, consume just as much power under typical use, and unless you're really tough on the netbook they won't really outlast an HD (they'll even get slower with use). I've used my AAO for a wide variety of things beyond what I ever thought I'd use it for... Everything from light video re-encoding (before traveling back home while on vacation, slow but do-able), to light HTPC duties when my TiVo died unexpectedly (Hulu/Comedy Central SD streams online, looked no worse than SD cable on my 32" HDTV).

I don't think there's anything monumental worth waiting for right now... 6-7h+ of battery life from the newest models is amazing. If you want higher res and a 12/13" screen you're already stretching outside of the netbook realm and into ultra lightweight laptops, there's plenty of decent ones at that size range for under $1,000. Granted there's one or two 12" netbooks that are cheaper at $500-600 (like Dell's), but ehh... 10" is just right for this kinda cheap device imo.