Netflix Cancels Marvel's Daredevil

I never liked Daredevil in the comics but loved the show. The punisher will most likely be gone which is my favorite comic character next to venom.
Seems like a lot of people had love for DD. I guess I'm an oddball then because I found it almost painful to watch at times because it was so bad. I tried to power through it though since so many people liked it, I thought I just needed to give it more time - Nope, didn't help.
Guess who didn't see this coming? Matt Murdock

Bahahaha ...youse soo funny !

This show broke the mold when it came on the scene - maybe not MCU but some crossover like Punisher, Electra and of course the Defenders . It was gritty, brutal and dark ,, very adult Hero .

It is sad that Netflix is doing a clean sweep of the Marvel items than doubling down on their IP like Fox did , which led to a very lucrative buyout .

Sony is going to reap MCU interest in making a better SpiderMen movies and they benefit. They are also working to expand the SpiderVerse and may lead to some great content .

What is the most shame is that if DareDevil was on any other network and was cancelled - it probably would have run on after being picked up by NetFlix .

As others have pointed out this was to be expected due to Disney starting it's own streaming platform and probably why it looked like the latest seasons of them all had low budgets. The next season of The Punisher will probably be it's last as well.
Hi All

Well it looks as though I'll be cancelling my NetFlix account won't be missing exactly a lot. The remake of Sabrina Teenage the Witch with inter-sectional feminist thrown in and a transwomans rights subplot? Season 5 of House of Cards without Kevin Spacey? More Ozark or Bloodlines (if these aren't axed)?

If they make another season of Altered Carbon, that will likely be worth watching. There's a couple good one-off series like that such as Maniac that you could subscribe for a month once every year to catch up on.
Gonna miss these shows. I never watched Iron Fist, but I liked all the other Marvel shows. I'm guessing that they're all moving to Disney's channel, so I guess I'll occasionally sign up for a month, binge a few shows then cancel. I think they believe I'll sign up for the Disney movies, but if I like a movie enough to watch it again on Disney, I'll just buy it (see Black Panther, Avengers and so on).

I'm guessing that Jones will be cancelled after the next season is out..same with Punisher.
Great. I'm on episode 3 or 4 of DD season 3. I love D'Onofrio as Fisk won't be missing exactly a lot. The remake of Sabrina Teenage the Witch with inter-sectional feminist thrown in and a transwomans rights subplot?

Wife watched the new Sabrina show and I watched a couple of them. It's OK and pretty dark actually.
Daredevil is a good show, iron fist was brutally boring in season 1, haven't even watched season 2.

Punisher is the best out of all of them.
Im going to miss Punisher when its finally done, i suspect it will be after season 2.

I wont be supporting a disney service for 1 show
Wife watched the new Sabrina show and I watched a couple of them. It's OK and pretty dark actually.

Yeah, I don't know how intersectionally feminist a show about a virgin being forced to pledge themselves to satan can be with the female character having no agency and everything being run by men....
Daredevil is a good show, iron fist was brutally boring in season 1, haven't even watched season 2.

Punisher is the best out of all of them.
Watch season 2 if only for the punisher crossover. Season 3 was pretty good too. Season 1 I struggled through just to get to season 2.
Wife watched the new Sabrina show and I watched a couple of them. It's OK and pretty dark actually.
It was okay. Just okay just doesn't really thrill me anymore. Yeah, they tried to make it dark like casting a spell on the principal to make him think spiders are crawling all over him when he's afraid of spiders. All done in order to get their intersectional feminist group approved so builies would stop beating up her male-leaning lesbian friend.

Nevermind intersectionality won't exist for two decades. Using 1960s feminism in 1960 wouldn't have been progressive enough.

I just found a lot of the sub plots kind of boring, trivial and I could barely care less about the outcome. The main story was good but the sub plots were boring. Problem is that the later hasn't more screen time.
I predict them recasting everyone and making it family friendly. Disney doesnt do Netflix Daredevil and Punisher style content.
As others have pointed out this was to be expected due to Disney starting it's own streaming platform and probably why it looked like the latest seasons of them all had low budgets. The next season of The Punisher will probably be it's last as well.

Im going to miss Punisher when its finally done, i suspect it will be after season 2.

I wont be supporting a disney service for 1 show

as it has been said over and over and over.... and over and over... and over and over again. Disney streaming is kid friendly stuff only. So just what you consider Disney content to start with. IE Little Mermaid, Aladdin, snow white, etc. It will not have these shows on it.
Disney streaming is kid friendly stuff only. So just what you consider Disney content to start with. IE Little Mermaid, Aladdin, snow white, etc.

I'm seeing it, baby - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, all huddled in one corner of their forest cabin, their eyes as huge as saucers, staring at the other corner of the room, where the Punisher is sitting by the fireplace looking like he just finished a boxing match with a dump truck, and he says, "There are worse things than dying, Snow White. I wake up most mornings and I want it. I hope for it."

AWESOME! I'm working the story boards right now.