Netflix Movie Streaming Coming to PlayStation 3

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A year after Netflix came to the Xbox 360, the company has announced that it is coming to the PlayStation 3 next month.

PlayStation 3 owners will soon be able to stream movies and TV shows from Netflix to their TVs using the gaming console, just as Xbox 360 owners have been able to do for a year. Sony Corp. and the DVD rental company planned to announce the service Monday and launch it next month.
According to the article it requires it's own Netflix bluray disc that you have to request on Netflix. Hopefully it will just install on to the PS3. If I have to get off the couch to change discs then I'll just stick to streaming on the 360.
According to the article it requires it's own Netflix bluray disc that you have to request on Netflix. Hopefully it will just install on to the PS3. If I have to get off the couch to change discs then I'll just stick to streaming on the 360.

its temporary until netflix finishes integration with XMB. They just want to get this out the door ASAP right now.
Old news. I have been streaming netflix and hulu to my PS3 with PlayOn for months parents will be happy. Now they can enjoy the streaminess on their PS3 for their Netflix account.
It drives me nuts when people say they can stream already using play-on. That is not an ideal solution, you dont get a nice interface and you can't stream any hd content. Been looking forward to being able to stream to the ps3 in my living room since i keep my xbox in the office. word.
re: HD content
Has anyone found specifications of what you can stream from Netflix? What resolution? 720p?
So the HD streams are maxed out at 720p, 24fps have 2.1 stereo support and do not include closed captioning / alternative languages.
It's not terrible, but I don't think that i'd consider that to be HD. I would consider that high end on standard def.
Nice. MAYBE i'll use it now.
At least I won't be forced to buy an xbox 360 gold account in order to use the feature.
i just did a little jig. No more only using netflix streaming while in bed.
So the HD streams are maxed out at 720p, 24fps have 2.1 stereo support and do not include closed captioning / alternative languages.
It's not terrible, but I don't think that i'd consider that to be HD. I would consider that high end on standard def.
Strictly speaking HD starts at 720p24 then goes up from there. WHich creates a great picture, the only problem is the bitrate makes it look like crap (compared to a full bitrate BD.)
Nice, more reason to buy PS3 now. Good thing I waited instead of buying Xbox. Although I'd like to add 360 in my collection in the future.
Sweet. Movies are the main use for my PS3. We don't have any type of video rental where i am that is any good. So Im all over it.
Sweet. Movies are the main use for my PS3. We don't have any type of video rental where i am that is any good. So Im all over it.

Ummm you do know that PSN has a pretty big library of movies to rent from. It would be about the same as going over to a video store.

Netflix is good though I like the all you can watch option for $9/month, maybe I'll reactivate my account.
I saw it one time, but never really dove into it. I mainly keep a nice collection on my pc and stream it that way. Might have to look at it a bit more. Thanks