Network Drives

T-Bird 151

Sep 24, 2000
Does anyone know how to make network drives connect and stay up automatically in OS X 10.4?
Gah.. This is an old dim memory, but i think i read something about setting up your account so that when you log in Tiger automatically connects to your network drive. I think you had to add something to your Startup Items menu in the Accounts prefrence pane. I'll try to find out exactly what i'm talking about, but i can't make any promises.
Note: This works in Tiger 10.4.

I figured out how to do this. Basically go into System Preferences and then down to Accounts. From there you can pick your users. There should be 4 items across the top once a user is selected (Password, Picture, Login Items, Parental Controls). Go to Login Items.

I made a previous connection to the network drive (which is automatically placed on my desktop). All I had to do was click and drag the networked drive icon into the login items area and it worked.

Kinda obvious I know...but I didn't think of it right away.