Network pics thread

Not sure, I've seen tons of people driving H2's and H3's in the past, and those are big piles of dog shit. This goes back to things your mother would tell you when you were a child. If all of your friends go jumping off a bridge, are you going to follow them?

Just because everybody uses something, does not mean it's good or the best. It just means people are using it.

/end opinion

True, kinda..

Not really a fan boy, because never worked on one, BUT just spent the last 2-3 weeks doing training, then doing the hands on stuff in January, that doesn't mean ill be a pro or a know it all.

However when walking through a HUGE medical data center and see emc all over the place, you kinda get the feeling that they are good, or else no one would use them.. Correct ?

If the Military, hospital Government RCMP etc etc uses it, you would think it's good stuff..

wait what ? you've never worked on one ?
so your opinion is based on EMC training and salesrep ?

I manage 4 fully loaded CX4 in prod right now.. so I think I know how to work with them.
what I did is point out some flaw in the VNX lineup. I never said EMC was crap..actually..their VMAX is still considered as one of the best Tier1 system.

The VMAX is what you see in bank and in the military...not the VNX ;) If they could take the technology they have in the VMAX..and put it into their VNX lineup ( similar to their VMAXe..) they would see a ton of those !!

Just be more open-minded about'll realize it's all good.and some other vendor have really nice technology coming purestorage, nimblestorage..etc
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wait what ? you've never worked on one ?
so your opinion is based on EMC training and salesrep ?

I manage 4 fully loaded CX4 in prod right now.. so I think I know how to work with them.
what I did is point out some flaw in the VNX lineup. I never said EMC was crap..actually..their VMAX is still considered as one of the best Tier1 system.

The VMAX is what you see in bank and in the military...not the VNX ;) If they could take the technology they have in the VMAX..and put it into their VNX lineup ( similar to their VMAXe..) they would see a ton of those !!

Just be more open-minded about'll realize it's all good.and some other vendor have really nice technology coming purestorage, nimblestorage..etc

Ok fair enough, How much training from THEM do you have ?

sales ? I don't sell it, i just get a page at 3am to go fix them... ( soon )
How about waiting until you actually have experience on a platform before you dismiss the experience of others perhaps?

There's a big difference between taking some classes and gaining proficiency in the lab and working on something in real-world scenarios over the long-term.

A lot of technology looks good in the marketing materials but turns out to be unwieldy and poorly documented/supported when you're working with it day in and day out.
Whatever training sam-sgc has is completely irrelevant. This is a person who has actual experience on production machines.

The idea behind training is to make sure each potential admin/tech/whatever has a certain baseline of fundamental knowledge before they go out and work on actual machines. If they are already working on the machines, then comparing courses completed isn't relevant. It also doesn't invalidate the complaint.
Just a little something I had bee wanting to try for a while

The case is from a 2500 series router and I wanted to get my pfsense laptop into it. The red wires are a home made VGA extension to get video out and 2 keystone ethernet jacks. The fan is from the original router and is powered from the USB port on the power brick side. I added a short USB extension so I could plug in a keyboard/mouse once it was closed up.







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Does NetJunkie visit this thread anymore? He's a pretty good source when it comes to this kinda stuff.
wait what ? you've never worked on one ?
so your opinion is based on EMC training and salesrep ?

I manage 4 fully loaded CX4 in prod right now.. so I think I know how to work with them.
what I did is point out some flaw in the VNX lineup. I never said EMC was crap..actually..their VMAX is still considered as one of the best Tier1 system.

The VMAX is what you see in bank and in the military...not the VNX ;) If they could take the technology they have in the VMAX..and put it into their VNX lineup ( similar to their VMAXe..) they would see a ton of those !!

Just be more open-minded about'll realize it's all good.and some other vendor have really nice technology coming purestorage, nimblestorage..etc

Let me fix that for you:

their VMAX is still THE BEST Tier1 system by far. Nobody gets even close.
I agree, why waste time making ur own when you can buy cables for dirt cheap?????

cause you get to make them to the perfect length you want them and it doesnt take much time to make a cable, now if your doing a massive deployment, sure, i had to make over 200 cables when we first moved into our office because premade cables in CR are expensive.
cause you get to make them to the perfect length you want them and it doesnt take much time to make a cable, now if your doing a massive deployment, sure, i had to make over 200 cables when we first moved into our office because premade cables in CR are expensive.

We make our own cables too. Not that big of a deal. We found that we make a couple to length then take the rest home and make while in from the of the TV. Funny enough I got the girlfriend to sit down with me and make some too. She actually had a good time. We knocked out 30 cables in about an hour
However when walking through a HUGE medical data center and see emc all over the place, you kinda get the feeling that they are good, or else no one would use them.. Correct ?

You must be working in hospitals that use HIS systems that be deep in bed with EMC. Most of the hospitals we use to go always varied depending on what was going on. IBM, NetApp, EMC..

I admit... We have a VNXe 3100 and I love it. So far has been a rock solid san.. All though I helped a guy I use to work with setup a couple of NS120s. You can polish a turd all you want, but at the end of the day it's still a turd. I don't know seems solid after we got them setup, but it was no where near as easy as the 3100..
You must be working in hospitals that use HIS systems that be deep in bed with EMC. Most of the hospitals we use to go always varied depending on what was going on. IBM, NetApp, EMC..

I admit... We have a VNXe 3100 and I love it. So far has been a rock solid san.. All though I helped a guy I use to work with setup a couple of NS120s. You can polish a turd all you want, but at the end of the day it's still a turd. I don't know seems solid after we got them setup, but it was no where near as easy as the 3100..

I've never setup or installed or even worked on these units. Guess it will be a learning curve. All i know is it will be my first big storage server & products that i have worked on so im sure i will learn that they are good / bad or what ever people have opinions about. In reality it pays my bills, so what ever the company i work wants me to be trained on i will do it. in these tough times i can't be picky...
I am still in the process of deciding on a SAN (2 actually), stuck between Lefthand, NetApp and Compellent at the moment.
I am still in the process of deciding on a SAN (2 actually), stuck between Lefthand, NetApp and Compellent at the moment.

Take a good hard look at those three and I'll think you'll find NetApp comes out on top. Compellent is neat, but if you want to do CIFS/NFS then you need another blade as they are primarily iSCSI/FC. Last I checked Lefthand only does iSCSI. NetApp doesn't require you to buy another appliance for every single feature you want, you just purchase a license key. All the functionality is built into the operating system. Also, you're not going to beat NetApp when it comes to space savings, they have the best de-duplication hands down. The new NetApp OnCommad System Manager is a fantastic GUI tool for managing a single or group of SANs. You can do almost everything from the GUI now, even SnapMirror replication.

Disclaimer: I have consumed the NetApp Kool-Aid
Not sure, I've seen tons of people driving H2's and H3's in the past, and those are big piles of dog shit. This goes back to things your mother would tell you when you were a child. If all of your friends go jumping off a bridge, are you going to follow them?

Just because everybody uses something, does not mean it's good or the best. It just means people are using it.

/end opinion

You should take your own advice....

Apparently you follow them blindly by making such absurd and ridiculous statements about a truck you probably have never even driven. :rolleyes: I am sure Kyle would love to tune in here and prove your entire statement incorrect as would I.
You should take your own advice....

Apparently you follow them blindly by making such absurd and ridiculous statements about a truck you probably have never even driven. :rolleyes: I am sure Kyle would love to tune in here and prove your entire statement incorrect as would I.

Apparently you missed the point that "the best" is a "relative opinion." ;)

What's best for one person or company is not the best for another.

Apparently you missed the point that "the best" is a "relative opinion." ;)

What's best for one person or company is not the best for another.


Nice recovery, but still a big fail because you made a "factual" statement there by calling a couple of cars "big piles of dog shit" in an effort to show reinforcement to your argument that what everyone does is not always right. If you had followed your own belief of "What's best for one person or company is not the best for another", you wouldn't have made such a statement about H2/H3's because you would have believed that it may have been not right or great for you, but it is still a great for others and would have recognized it as such... instead you just flat out bashed it to support your argument.

Nice strawman... it is hard to own up to being wrong, like in this case... but I would have appreciated it.

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Nice recovery, but still a big fail because you made a "factual" statement there by calling a couple of cars "big piles of dog shit" in an effort to show reinforcement to your argument that what everyone does is not always right. If you had followed your own belief of "What's best for one person or company is not the best for another", you wouldn't have made such a statement about H2/H3's because you would have believed that it may have been not right or great for you, but it is still a great for others and would have recognized it as such... instead you just flat out bashed it to support your argument.

Nice strawman... it is hard to own up to being wrong, like in this case... but I would have appreciated it.


Hold on, let me quote myself.

MikeTrike said:
Not sure, I've seen tons of people driving H2's and H3's in the past, and those are big piles of dog shit. This goes back to things your mother would tell you when you were a child. If all of your friends go jumping off a bridge, are you going to follow them?

Just because everybody uses something, does not mean it's good or the best. It just means people are using it.

/end opinion

I'm not sure when opinion became fact, perhaps I missed that memo.
Hold on, let me quote myself.

I'm not sure when opinion became fact, perhaps I missed that memo.

I must have missed the memo where it's perfectly acceptable to bash things and make utter bullshit claims about something that you really know nothing about... just to null and void it with a disclaimer of opinion in the end. I think some call that trolling.

One can conclude that every post in this forum is opinion unless if backed up by some research, general agreed consensus, or organizational study or some factual links to suggest otherwise.
I must have missed the memo where it's perfectly acceptable to bash things and make utter bullshit claims about something that you really know nothing about... just to null and void it with a disclaimer of opinion in the end. I think some call that trolling.

One can conclude that every post in this forum is opinion unless if backed up by some research, general agreed consensus, or organizational study or some factual links to suggest otherwise.

Then why are you arguing on the internet if you know it's opinion?

And to get back on track, here are some comparison shots from about a year ago vs. now. :)

HQ/Corporate Office

Remote Branch
Then why are you arguing on the internet if you know it's opinion?

And to get back on track, here are some comparison shots from about a year ago vs. now. :)

HQ/Corporate Office

Remote Branch

Because your comment had no place in this thread which is about networking.
Who said i'm not interested in the Management features? Read my posts above. I've explained why we chose this system.
I don't see a post that gives a cost justification for the decision to use a managed system over un-managed DAS or NAS. Sorry to have bothered you.
Mike what did you end up doing with the Cisco 1841? I notice it is not in the after pic
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Ockie what did you end up doing with the Cisco 1841? I notice it is not in the after pic

That is not me who posted that picture.

I was confused for a minute, because I had to sit and think about where I ever used 1841's
wow, an entire page arguing about whether or not vehicles from a manufacturer that doesn't even exist anymore suck or not...

I drive an Audi *waits to be flamed by BMW owners?*
Over the weekend I started receiving threshold alerts for amp draw on some of my network cabinets.

When I got in to check on it today, the colo had "helpfully" applied blanking panels to my cabinets, fucking up the airflow to my network stack (which is mounted at the resr or the cabinet to have the cables on the same side of the cabinets as the servers). Since none of the switches could breathe cold air anymore, their fans ramped up and put me over the threshold.

Gee thanks, guys.

But the front looks cool, though:

Some racks:


note the completely blanked out cabinet to the right? That's my network stack. :rolleyes:


Back shot:


Hadoop cluster:


database lab cluster:


compellent cluster and database server:


VMWare cluster:


File server, utility boxes and domain controllers:

compellent cluster and database server:

Hey were's the key to the cage? Oh shit it's tied to all of the storage. Looks like we locked our selves out.

I think i remember you having some 6248ps in there.. Have you looked at the new 7000s that have the Reverse Airflow?
what switches are you using for your SANs also are the DBs on the SANs as well?
I'm sure the colo loves you for putting 1U between the servers like that.

luckily our colo isn't that bad, they will fill big open gaps but not little ones like 2-6U. The racks also get pretty decent airflow into them from the cable access hole in the bottom so our switches are behind a blanked out panel but the still stay cool.
Hey were's the key to the cage? Oh shit it's tied to all of the storage. Looks like we locked our selves out.

I think i remember you having some 6248ps in there.. Have you looked at the new 7000s that have the Reverse Airflow?

Hah hah hah. Nah, that's the key to the Iron Mountain blue boxes.

You're right, calvinj. We use the 6248P switches, and I'd love to get some 7000's, but my company is broke as hell...
Hah hah hah. Nah, that's the key to the Iron Mountain blue boxes.

You're right, calvinj. We use the 6248P switches, and I'd love to get some 7000's, but my company is broke as hell...

I'm still trying to justify getting some 7000s too, but every time I think I get there I find out the 6248s will still meet our needs. Money should grow on trees