Network rendering with 3ds max 7


Limp Gawd
Jun 25, 2005
Has anyone done this, or know how to render on anouther pc(multiple if possible) with 3DS Max 7?
There should be a program called Backburner 2. Start up a server and a manger, then to view the rendering use the monitor program.

Go here this is more indepth or you can read your manual.

Is it possible to do this with 2 comps? If it would be possible, I would like to share the load between my comp, and my bro's for rendering, although, once I get this working, and I get my workstation(hopefully i get one), I would like to set it up between mine normal one, and my workstation, and once in a while have my bro's and dads working on it.

So basically what I want is to have my workstation(when I get it) starting this, and sharing the load with my normal comp, and once in a while my dad's and bro's.

I tried that link, and it didn't help, it makes it sound like you need atleast 3 comps just to use 1 for rendering.
Looking at your situation, I would use the normal computer as the manger and server and never turn it off. Then have the server run on your bro and dad's computer. As soon as you get your workstation, run the server on it.

I tried that link, and it didn't help, it makes it sound like you need at least 3 comps just to use 1 for rendering.

Umm.. isn't that the point, it's called a render farm whenever there is two or more comps rendering the same scene. One comp sends the request to the manager and the manager disperse the load to other computers that have the server running. Then once when the servers are done with there job the manager grabs the files from the servers and paste the final image together, this method is faster by 15%-50% from the old single comp. Also CPU power determines the rendering speed not GPU ( a fast GPU is good for viewports).

That link I gave is the basic to setting it up. In short it means having to install 3ds max 7 on all computers with the backburner option check during install. From your computer that you’re making the final scene to be render, save the output as net render with the box check. Click render and hold down CTRL and click all servers running. Use Split line render so it makes sure your each computer is doing its job.
Here is the problem I am having, I start up the maneger on mine, then I go down, and start the server on my bro's, and it doesn't do anything, it just keeps saying "Trying to connect to IP XXX.XXX.X.XXX, then after a few tries it gives up.
you should make sure that all your network settings are the same first off, cause i remember when i did it, i ran into that problem.

there should be a way for you to point it directly to the manager vs. having it look for the manager.

i try to have 3 or 4 pc's at home render out for me, and now that it has regional network rendering, i can split the image up across all the machines.

and last year just to piss everyone off in class, i took over 3 labs to render...came out to be close to 70 computers :D


it would also help if you had max installed on his machine since it will start max up to render
I used to get that same type of error connection, when my computers weren't network right. I fix this by having all comps have the same workgroup name and it works fine for me.
obviouslytom said:
and last year just to piss everyone off in class, i took over 3 labs to render...came out to be close to 70 computers :D
Holy !%!$% Batman! I bet you set a new school record for rendering that image! What were you working on? do you have any pictures or a video?
i have the video somewhere....its a really cheesy walkthough of a restaurant that we were designing for one class. overall its alright. i couldnt get the lighting down correctly (always have a problem with it) and some areas look really good like the stone pillar, while others look really bad.

I had it set to a high resolution so on my tower alone at home, it would take probably a day to render out (i think it was around 900 frames) but when i went to the lab...I was done in 17 minutes.

I will see if i can find the video and post it somewhere
obviouslytom said:
i have the video somewhere....its a really cheesy walkthough of a restaurant that we were designing for one class. overall its alright. i couldnt get the lighting down correctly (always have a problem with it) and some areas look really good like the stone pillar, while others look really bad.

I had it set to a high resolution so on my tower alone at home, it would take probably a day to render out (i think it was around 900 frames) but when i went to the lab...I was done in 17 minutes.

I will see if i can find the video and post it somewhere
sweet.. i'd love to see it. i love render projects.