Network shares not showing up after reboot


Oct 14, 2004
I shared a few directories on my server and now they're not available. The server is running server enterprise 2003. I looked at the file stucture on the actual server and it is still setup as it was and it was working before. Anyone know what might be going wrong?
If the shares are still setup then maybe it's a permission thing? Have you done anymore troubleshooting? So the folders are still shared, right? Is it one specific user that can't see it? Any more info?
This was working before and is not now. It is setup for everyone to have read access. The folder is still shared, but now nobody else can see it.
You haven't turned on a firewall on the server by chance have you?

Also when you try to connect to the server do you see any shares at all or nothing? If you are using active directory do you have the machines pointing their dns to the server?
it can sometimes take 15-20 minutes after a reboot for shares and computer names to start resolving again. give it a while and and see if it doesnt straighten itself out. have you tried to

net view \\servername

to see if there is anything to see from the command line?
I have this problem all the time with my xp boxen. I figured its just another xp 'feature' one thing that I found helps is to force a sync of offline files (My Docs is setup to a network share). Once I do that, everything else works fine.

Highly annoying though.