Networking Noob


Limp Gawd
Sep 4, 2007
Hi, I'm kind of thought less when it comes to networking. I know the very basic stuff.

So I have a router that supports 10/100. I then bought a gigabit switch because I thought it was the same thing because I wanted to upgrade. I recieved it today and I then connected my modem to my router to the switch to my computer.


Do I need to upgrade my cables? It still feels like 100.
Did I f'up because I should have gotten a gigabit router instead of a switch?

btw im using onboard gigabit port from my 650i
Unless you are doing data transfers from device to device internally on the network, you are not going to feel any difference in speed, unless you have some ungodly internet connection.

If you are on the higher end of cable or FiOS you are probably not exceeding where near utilizing a standard 10/100 switching device for internet alone.
EDIT: SIMULPOST... ^what he said

from what i understand, you've got it hooked up right... but how many computers do you have on your network? you're really only going to get the benefits of gigabit when transferring files from within devices connected to that gigabit switch...

that is assuming you got one nice enough to run 100mbps and 1000mbps simultaneously... the cheap ones will throttle the whole network to 100mbps if one 10base100 device is connected... if you've got one of these cheaper ones... the router could definitely be killing your gigabit speeds..

i guess it begs the question, why did you want to "upgrade to gigabit" ? i hope it wasn't to make your internet faster
I only have my computer hooked up to it and it was to make my internet faster :(

I have comcast btw.
Unfortunately a gigabit switch will not increase your speeds unless your moving data internally within your network. If you're going out to the internet your speed will be limited by your ISP although I have found that good routers do a better job of trafficking data then poor ones.

A new router will help you only slightly, if you want more speed upgrade your isp.
Unfortunately a gigabit switch will not increase your speeds unless your moving data internally within your network. If you're going out to the internet your speed will be limited by your ISP although I have found that good routers do a better job of trafficking data then poor ones.

A new router will help you only slightly, if you want more speed upgrade your isp.

So basiclly a switch will not make your internet faster?

I thought I was limited by the 10/100 router.

As you can see Comcast can do 10000 but I only get 5000

Oh teh noes! Everyone will know where I live!!
Most ISP's hand out speeds anywhere from 1Mbpss -20Mbps(if you are lucky) so even if you only are connected via 100Mbps your still way above the speed of your ISP and there is no gain.
So basiclly a switch will not make your internet faster?

I thought I was limited by the 10/100 router.

As you can see Comcast can do 10000 but I only get 5000

Oh teh noes! Everyone will know where I live!!

yea, ithink you got kbps and mbps mixed up...

comcast can do 10000kbps, your network runs at 100000kbps, and you just attempted to upgrade it to 1000000kbps

comcast may be able to do 10000kbps, but unless you have that service plan, you have to pay more for it... you're probably on a 5000kbps plan (AKA 5mbps)... you have to contact comcast and pay them more per month for more speed
yea, ithink you got kbps and mbps mixed up...

comcast can do 10000kbps, your network runs at 100000kbps, and you just attempted to upgrade it to 1000000kbps

comcast may be able to do 10000kbps, but unless you have that service plan, you have to pay more for it... you're probably on a 5000kbps plan (AKA 5mbps)... you have to contact comcast and pay them more per month for more speed bubble has been popped....good thing the switch was only 10 bucks..
Guys....I'm so ping in games has now skyrocketed to 130..before it was 40...

I switched back to what I had before and its still the same.

Sigh..If it ain't broke..don't fix it..........

Please help =(
sounds like your ports arent auto negotiating check your lan connection settings and check to see if its running in fd.

reset router and cable modem by power cycle, plug modem into router, router into your computer, and then power the modem, then once all lights are active power the router. run a speedtest if you think your network performance has degraded.

I was playing cs source on the server I usually play at but some where along the tracert I guess a router was down leading to extra hops on the network, my usual 70-80 ping was 180. Next day later this was fixed.