networking silliness


[H]F Junkie
Aug 31, 2000
I plug in a coax from the wall into a box from the cable company.
I use a cat5 from that box to my computer, and presto I gots internet to the computer.
the motherboard has antenna "for wifi"

howcome I cannot get my phone to see the computers wifi ?

does the computer wifi require something else to function ?

although it is a silly question I have found no answer so far.
Your computer wifi will not connect directly to the phone unless both are in 'ad hoc' mode. And then you still won't have Internet...
you mobo has wifi to connect it to a wifi network, not connect your phone. if you put both on the network they may see each other or you may need a network browser to access the pc from the phone.
hotspot thing works :)

phone could not obtain IP address.
turn off VPN, fixed that.

can finally update my new phone WITHOUT going to walmart to use their wifi.

once again [H] reduces the volume of silliness stalking the Universe.

thank you.