Neverwinter Nights whatelse


Dec 25, 2002
Well, I havn't played any RPG's in sometime now. I finally got some free time in my life to waste on a RPG. I'm really liking this game a lot, though I'm wondering if there are any better games out there that are online. If I have to pay a monthly fee, depending on the game I might consider it. I was looking at Lineage2 and was curious how the gameplay and PVP was. Heh I'm a big PVP fan when it comes to Online RPG's, I was a big EverCrack junky and only played for the PVPin'. Just keep in mind I'm a poor college student that has to fork over 1200 a month just for schooling. Not to include my carpayment and all that other crappy stuff. So just remember I'm a little tight on cash :mad:

bump :( I'm looking to buy Lineage2 but need to know if it's worth the 14.99/month
I tried linage 2 and to me i would rather go play diablo 2 rather than pay 15$ a month. And yes if your looking for a good cheap game Never Winter Nights or Diablo 2: Lord of Desturction it is. Or hell if you are really low on cash and don't even want to buy a game ownage :p
i definitely wouldn't buy lineage2. it's okay if you have some extra money and don't mind spending it. But for a college student that's hardup for cash, it'll definitely leave you feeling empty. The pvp in that game is good, but horribly flawed. I few months back when I played it was a nightmare to pvp, if you went red (killing someone that didn't fight back, or got in a lucky 1 shot 1 kill typa thing) you were done for. Dieing after pvp would result in basically exploding with items, you'd loose all your good stuff.

Now, i know it's not online, but Knights of the Old Republic is really really good. I was skeptical at first, but I'm seriously loving the game. Speaking of which, I'm going to go play :)