New $1,600 Office Chair

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If you thought the Aeron was the ultimate chair, you haven’t seen Herman Miller’s latest creation…the Embody. It looks like it would be pretty nice, and nobody makes better chairs, it's just that I don’t think I could ever drop that kinda coin on a chair. Could you?

The latest object of technophile lust is a sight to behold, with an exoskeleton climbing up its singular back and enough levers and knobs to land a Cessna. Herman Miller's much-anticipated office chair, the Embody (list price: $1,595), is finally rolling out this month.
Chair wars! :eek:

It is a pretty cool looking chair. I can't imagine it being worth that much, but I would love to take one out for a spin.

However, I am disappointed that it's not edible.
I think I'd have to win the lotto twice to afford a chair like that.
I'd dream to be at a point in my life where I'd buy that... because thinking of all the other shit i would have squandered billions of dollars into before dumping 1600 into that is just phenomenal....

and there are people that buy it... that's the scariest thing of all...
$1600 may seem like a lot of money but...
Finally, the seat cover allows air to pass through, cooling the user's body.
In other words, stink up the office with no heat build up :D
not to say if i arrived at work and that was there instead of the chair i normally sit at... i'd be glad to sit... i don't use the headrest on mine anyways... im working...

but 1600, 1000, 500... maybe somewhere around here woudl be reasonable for this sort of arty-ergo design fancy place for your ass.... but probably around 50-100 before this would pop on my radar!! and i'd have to be in the market for a chair at the time :D
I love my Aeron chair more IMO. I don't like the white color, that will get dirty super fast, especially in a business enviroment. I hope they come out with a black on black, that would look more appealing IMO.

*Hugs his Aeron chair*
Sci-Fi? Eh I don't know. It looks too retro, something out of Edward Scissorhand.

As for comforts, it's one of those times I have to actually sit in it and try for myself before I judge. It doesn't look that comfortable but appearance can be deceiving.
All of the sudden my Aeron feels less comfortable.

Okay no, not really, I love my Aeron. Not that it can't get better.

Who really pays for their own chairs though? It's a matter of whether your employer will or not.
Aerons can be upwards of 1k, so 1.6 isn't so crazy, relatively-speaking. If I tried it and found it was some whole new, previously unimaginable level of comfort then I can imagine going for one. It probably isn't, though.

And as long as they do one in black and not that horrible 70s orange-and-cream.
"Available in orange, lime green and light blue, the Embody starts at $1,495." (here)

No, thanks.
If it came in black I would definitely get one. Think about it. Many people spend over a grand for a mattress and box spring because they are in bed for at least six hours a day. For many people a cheap mattress kills their back. If you're going to be sitting in a chair for eight hours you are going to want something that's comfy and doesn't kill the back. My aeron is getting a bit old but I still wouldn't want anything else, unless this new one is even better.
I say we turn this into a share your old but good Aeron thread. Here's mine -- still good as ever.

Oh, while this new chair from HM seems very intuitive and nice ( especially the chair size adjustment ) I guess we all can't judge until we've sat in it for a while.
I'd rather spend $1600 on some nice style 5 rims, tires, and a lowering package for my BMW then on a chair... Priorities.
I already did. Not Aeron, though. I can't stand Herman Miller chairs because of the fabric and the lack of good lumbar support. I bought from a less popular but more research-oriented company with great support. Lifetime warranty on the frame and hardware, 10 years for the fabric. Think about it, though, if you're anything like me, you spend more time in your office chair than anything else, so it makes sense to invest. You don't really realize how much better it is until you sit in another chair and realize how good it really is.
If you thought the Aeron was the ultimate chair, you haven’t seen Herman Miller’s latest creation…the Embody. It looks like it would be pretty nice, and nobody makes better chairs, it's just that I don’t think I could ever drop that kinda coin on a chair. Could you?

I'm going to have to disagree. Out of ergonomic chairs, Herman Miller is probably the best known, but I prefer BodyBilt by ErgoGenesis. I've had mine for about a year now. They're designed for 24-hour use, which is nice.
"Available in orange, lime green and light blue, the Embody starts at $1,495." (here)

No, thanks.

We do a lot of the sub-assemblies for Herman Miller where I work. This includes all the arms for all of the chairs. So far we make arms in the white you see in all the pictures as well as a graphite. Might not look too bad with the blue fabric.

We have plenty of Aeron's floating around and I'll see if we have one of these somewhere in one of our other buildings. I could do a little comparative comfort test.