New 3007FPW... Sparklies!

I'd say go for one more RMA, if it's still bad after that, then I'd say somethings up with your box.
In my experience, the sparkles don't appear until the panel has warmed up a for a little while. If your monitor is off for 30 minutues to an hour and you turn it on, it probably looks fine. Then after 15 to 20 minutes you will see the sparkle specs come back. Is that what is happening? Anyway, RMA the sucker or return it. It's all you can do really.
I dont know, I have seen that before in my 9800xt when it used to overheat, I wonder how much air flow you have in that case. Could your video card be doing it? All of the cards you used were fanless? correct? open the case and put a house fan on it and see if it goes away
then you wil know for sure.
Ok going for one more RMA.. should be here tomorrow.

I don't think the videocard is overheating. The first one i was using (x1600) has a fan on it and i still had all the sparklies. It was fixed briefly on the 2nd LCD when i played with some ATI control panel settings. I also tried using the computer for a while with the panels open to see if the airflow helped. It did not.

The sparkles appeared immediately upon first using the monitor. It did not first have to warmed up. so i don't think thermal issues with the lcd are the problem.. though i could be wrong.

we'll see what happens with the next one.
I think this is related to your video card. I've read that although the 1300 *should* support the 30" displays people have had visual anomalies frequently when using it. The 1600 seems to be hit or miss, but usually it works fine. I really doubt that you've gotten a couple defective panels, especially of that nature. I'm shocked that none have had dead pixels though, that's great to hear.
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the information about the x1300 not being adequate? Does that mean the x1800 cards work fine then? is it an ATI driver issue that should be fixed in future driver revisions or something intrinsic to the hardware?

If my 3rd LCD also has the same problem, i've got to assume that it's not the monitor. and i'll probably keep the one that doesn't have dead pixels. And i'll assume that at some point when i upgrade my video card and other components, the sparklies will disappear. that's probably the most reasonable option i suppose

Once you go 30", you can never go back. :)
spacecadet said:
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the information about the x1300 not being adequate? Does that mean the x1800 cards work fine then? is it an ATI driver issue that should be fixed in future driver revisions or something intrinsic to the hardware?

If my 3rd LCD also has the same problem, i've got to assume that it's not the monitor. and i'll probably keep the one that doesn't have dead pixels. And i'll assume that at some point when i upgrade my video card and other components, the sparklies will disappear. that's probably the most reasonable option i suppose

Once you go 30", you can never go back. :)

I don't have a direct link unfortunately and I don't have the time right now to check (it's the end of my semester and I'm swamped with work) but I believe I read it in a mac forum, I believe it might have been macrumors. They were talking about the 30" Cinema display having trouble with the x1300. I also believe that I read in these forums someone having trouble with the x1300 and when they switched cards the issue went away.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm spouting off without having anything to back it up but I just want to suggest that you try a different card if you can. I would *think* that the x1800 would work fine, but I read that you're concerned with noise and believe me when I say you do NOT want to buy a high end ATi card if you're concerned with noise levels (I have an x1900xtx).

I think that if your 3rd monitor also exhibits these problems then it is indeed safe to assume that it's not the monitor, especially given that so few other people have seen these problems. I wish you the best of luck and I can imagine it would be hard to go back to a smaller screen once you've used the 30" for a period of time, using the Cinema 30" at the store made me instantly jealous, hehe. Hopefully I can pony up to the table and get one as well, I really like the setup you have with the 2 2007fp's. :)

Good luck and keep us posted... if I do come across what I read again I will try and get back to you.
So after some screwups by Dell, I finally received my 3rd brand new 3007fpw as an RMA..

still got the sparklies. So i think this proves beyond a doubt (almost) that it is not the LCD at fault. It must be the video card or the DVI cable or else something causing interference/degradation of the video signal (heat or external RF source). I just purchased the MSI Radeon X1800XT video card for $242 AR deal so we'll see how that compares to the fanless x1300 that i'm currently using.

I feel bad that i was wasting Dell's money having them ship 3 brand new 30 inch lcds. oh well. what i find amazing is that not one of the 3 LCD monitors had one dead pixel.
Well, unless you were using the same Dual Link DVI cable instead of switching it with each new monitor it's not the DVI cable. It's got to be your video card.
At this point its probably safe to assume its a card/cable issue.
Got the same problem with mine. Although it's intermittent, they appear for a day or two and dissapear for a few. Not really that noticible except on dark colors.

Hopefully its a cable or card issue. Going through 3+ RMA's is such a hassle. :mad:
beesquee said:
Got the same problem with mine. Although it's intermittent, they appear for a day or two and dissapear for a few. Not really that noticible except on dark colors.

Hopefully its a cable or card issue. Going through 3+ RMA's is such a hassle. :mad:

what video card are you using?
What video card do you have? It does have to do with the DVI port not being able to display the resolution of that proporation. If you find a setting that has to do with reduce blanking or something along those lines, use that and see if the sparklies go away. I have that same issue with my secondary DVI port on my eVGA 6800GT. If I don't change the settings within the nVidia software to use the reduce blanking mode my monitor will blank on and off as well as show me those sparkles.
Oh yes, I remember that, the card HAS to be ABLE to display 2560x1600. In most cases thats pretty much the problem, cant see why it wouldnt support it though.
So i received my brand new MSI X1800XT video card..

Sparklies are gone. Hallelujah. So it seems it is indeed the video card. The previous poster before was right, it seems to be a problem with the x1300 and x1600 not being able to properly handle the higher resolution.

Just to complicate this ordeal even more for me, the new x1800XT is so long it doesn't even fit in my PC (i've got a small form factor case and half my CDROM is hanging out to get the card in). I am going to stick with the x1300 for now, and maybe upgrade when the DX10 cards come out. Hopefully ATI will have fixed the issues by then. I can live with the sparklies for now, and sleep easily knowing i didn't purchase a bad $1600 30 inch LCD

Anyone interested in the MSI X1800XT (512 mb DDR3) for $315 shipped? It's gonna go on ebay this week otherwise.

I'm done talking about this..
LittleMe said:
what video card are you using?
Sapphire Radeon x1300, lower end but the box does say it supports the full resolution of the monitior.
i notices sparklies the other day - the monitor was plugged into the crossfire dongle/loose. changed it to the other graphics card port and it was solved.

nice work with solving your problem :),

only problem for me (Banding (going to rma it) and crossfire (Still broken on myend for some reason))
I just got a new 3007WFP. Very nice but I am also getting sparkles. The sparkles tend to appear only in particular colors. For example, on the DVI cable that came with the card, colors with a green value of C2, and some with a red value of 07. However, at times, they have spread to other colors.

Based on reading here, people have fixed with driver changes (I'm on linux, ATI driver is not that configurable), cable changes, chard changes and display exchanges. I don't want to go nuts so I wanted to see if the folks here also experienced the color issue.

Swapping DVI cables did not make the problem go away, but it did change the colors that get the noise! (Greens of fd on the other cable.) So it's a signal problem affected by the cable but it could be in any of the signal handling components. I have an ATI Radeon 1300 card, but would prefer an NVIDIA card, but the only cards I have seen so far tend to be the $400 gamer cards. I don't want a heat-emitting gamer card in my SFF PC, this display is for static graphics mostly.

Clearly a display return is the most involved process.

Another defect -- rarely, perhaps every 5 minutes or so, the display will do a one-frame flash. It seems like it's getting a sync error and is displacing the image for a 60th of a second but it's obviously hard to tell.
YoureDoingMeDamage said:
Wow what the hell is wrong with you? That is just stupid and useless. The 2007's look pretty gay next to the 3007.

you mean they're all male and having a threesome?

I really don't know what can be homosexual about a monitor

..oh I get it, you're referring to their gaiety as in happiness
There was a guy that had the same issue and rectified it by going x1600 , hope that helps
I also had similar experience.

Had the ATI X1300 that created the same sparkles on the Dell.

Switched to Nvidia card and it went away.
Seems like such a hassle. It may be a good idea though i suppose.
wtf, you just spent 2K on a great monitor. pretty dumb to question whether you should or not OR to even have a lazy mentality towards getting the best out of your money.
The higher end cards, aside from costing more to no puropse, also draw a lot of power. In fact, I even wonder if power might be a problem. I talked to eVGA today, which sells an nvidia 7600 based card I was considering ($140 after rebate at newegg.) Yes, it will do the resolution, he said, but don't put it in your system unless you have a 350 watt power supply able to do 18 amps at 12v. You'll probably get unexplained crashes and other problems. You have to trust a guy who says, "Don't buy our card."

Now my PS even though rated at 200w will do 15a at 12v, which is more than some 350watt supplies will do, but it does seem these cards are really pushing things -- and again to no purpose for somebody like me using his 3007WFP for non-gaming. SFF boxes tend to have power supplies like this. 350w is simply not available.

I'm resisting it, but there's more and more pressure to say I have to replace my otherwise perfectly servicable Athlon 3000 AGP 8x SFF computer with something newer to drive my new monitor. Of course the monitor cost far more than the computer. With today's announcement, I would probably want a core 2 duo box, with PCI-E 16x and a high current power supply, etc. But the core 2 duo boards may take a while in coming.

There have been some announcements of 7300gs based cards able to do 2650x1600, one from albatron a week or so ago. These cards are not yet in stores. If people know other cards that will drive the 3007WFP and not suck lots of amps out of the power supply (and be AGP 8x) I would be interested to see them.

Nvidia drivers are certainly better for linux than ATI in any event, so I am not keen to go to an ATI 1600.
bradtem said:
Now my PS even though rated at 200w will do 15a at 12v, which is more than some 350watt supplies will do, but it does seem these cards are really pushing things -- and again to no purpose for somebody like me using his 3007WFP for non-gaming. SFF boxes tend to have power supplies like this. 350w is simply not available.

You are a weirdo. ;)

SFF I understand, it's nice and portable.
3007 I understand, killer monitor real estate.

But using them both? You'd have to be crazy to cart a 3007 around with your SFF. I assume you must be doing it for asthetic reasons, but seriously you cant find a mid tower you like?

It's kinda like this:
To teh OP: did you every try going out for some high quality DVI cables, or have you been using the stock supplied cables this whole time? You could be dealing with a bad run of cables.

J-Mag said:
It's kinda like this:
Ack, you just made Bawls shoot out my nose!
Yeah, I could find a mid-tower that I like. Just resisting buying a new case, PSU and mobo in order to run a new monitor (already knew I would need a new video card.)

And almost surely a new CPU too, rather than re-use the athlon.

SFF are nice, designed to be small and quiet, on or under your desk. It was the right choice at the time.

Checking the current, I see the whole PC, with ATI 1300 card, CPU, drive etc. is only drawing about 104 watts from the wall, so even though it's just a 200w PSU, I don't think it's overloaded. May well be the card, and maybe I do have the power to drive an nvidia card, so I will hunt a decently priced AGP 8x nvidia card rated for 2560x1500. I may also try plugging everything into an alternate PSU.
Didn't take the time to read the whole thread, but FWIW I had this problem with a 2405 and simply switched out the cable and it worked marvelously. I am confident you have tried that already but that's just my $.02.
I swapped the ati 1300 card for an nvidia 7600gs card from evga. The sparkles are gone. And the drivers work better too.

So stay away from x1300 cards for driving the 3007WFP. I am returning the ATI card, I don't know if the individual unit was defective or the whole line has a problem.
J-Mag said:
It's kinda like this:

That's what I was thinking also when I read that he's running that beast of a monitor with a SFF rig. Kinda like putting a Geo engine in your Hummer H1 and expecting it to still off road like usual. :D
spacecadet said:
Well the 3007 and 2007 in portrait acutally match up exactly in pixels and physical dimension. I am unable to adjust the 2007fp too well because they are all on one mount...QUOTE]

The 3007 mount is not centered? I have my 2405 and 2005 on an Ergotron dual HD arm and the 2405 and the 2005 line up dead center when the 2005 is rotated and the 2405 is not. I’m close to getting a 3007 and 2407 but may not if the 3007’s mount is not vertically centered.
do you need to a third-party program for display 3 screen?????
can you teach me how to setup?
No, you don't, it's just like setting up dual displays. Just need enough outputs.
I tried 4 different x1300 and x1600 cards. All had sparkly issues. The one x1800 card i tried was fine.

The 3007fp is centered on the mount. The side mounts of the Ergotron DS200 don't quite match up perfectly which i haven't bothered to figure out since it isn't that bad. Maybe something to dow with the fact that the 2007fp mounting points aren't perfectly centered.

Tanquen said:
spacecadet said:
Well the 3007 and 2007 in portrait acutally match up exactly in pixels and physical dimension. I am unable to adjust the 2007fp too well because they are all on one mount...QUOTE]

The 3007 mount is not centered? I have my 2405 and 2005 on an Ergotron dual HD arm and the 2405 and the 2005 line up dead center when the 2005 is rotated and the 2405 is not. I’m close to getting a 3007 and 2407 but may not if the 3007’s mount is not vertically centered.
How did you make the wallpaper? ... Why my computer or my video card only allow me using one wallpaper and my both screen had a same pic (i am using Dualview already)
It doesn't help to rotate it 180 degrees. If i do that, then it's malaligned in the opposite direction.

As for wallpaper, look into Ultramon, which is software with anyone with multiple monitors should use. It allows individual task bars and automatic splitting of wallpaper among different monitors