New 680i/Q6600 build won't post


Jan 20, 2007
So I went nuts and ordered a Quadcore early this week along with a 680i SLI board. I already had an 8800GTX and 2GB of DDR2-800 from an earlier build.

I got everything together and... nothing. It will not post. I get no error code on the display on the motherboard. I've tried trimming down to the absolute bare essential parts. The main HD, the graphics card, and the CPU. No post.

If I put the RAM, videocard, and other hardware back on the old motherboard and processor it still posts fine. Everything works.

Am I missing something crazy obvious?

Here's the system specs:

EVGA 680i SLI A1
Core 2 Quad Q6600
2GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800
Samsung DVD-RW
Creative XFi
Western Digital 200GB 3gb/s SATA
Western Digital 80GB SATA

The old mobo and processor:
Asus P5N32-SLI SE Deluxe Nforce 4
Core 2 E6400

The only thing I can think of to try that I haven't already done is putting the E6400 in the new motherboard and seeing what happens.

Any ideas other than that?
So.. just tried putting my E6400 in there. Nothing.

Does the board hate my ram or is it dead? How the hell do I figure out which it is?
Sounds like you got a dead mobo. If it would of posted but shut off randomly, then most likely your PSU is failing.
What's that Corsair kit rated for with vdimm? If it's 2.0 or higher you may just not be able to boot with it. Have you tried with one stick, and checking each slot? I'd do that before declaring the motherboard DOA. Call up EVGA tomorrow and ask them. Worst comes to worst they'll get you a new one cross-shipped and you'll be up and running in 3-4 days.

Do the northbridge cooler and other fans spin up? do the LEDs on the board light at all?

What PSU are you using?
Everything powers up. The fan on the videocard, the northbridge fan I put on, all of it. The power supply is a PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750.

The ram boots fine in my Asus board at 1.8

Have you tried with one stick, and checking each slot?

God did I ever. I tried each stick in every possible slot. I actually wasn't planning on going SLI. Would a P35 based board be a better choice? The SLI thing was an "in case I want to" but the reality of it is that it's a hassle and one I don't want to deal with again. got a bad board, more than likely. It happens, and it's got nothing to do with the board supporting SLI. Look through the threads here and you'll find plenty of people with P35 based boards that are DOA or with strange problems -- some just seem to have all the luck.

If the RAM works at 1.8 it probably isn't the problem.

Call EVGA tomorrow and you'll have a new board in a few days.
Note: I wasn't implying my current troubles were related to SLI, only that I'd had issues with running two videocards on other SLI boards in the past. I've done SLI three times now and it was never quite worth the effort that went into keeping it running smoothly.

After a lot of reading in the motherboard forums here and at anandtech I went with an Abit IP35 Pro.

It'll be compatible with Penryn when those hit and it has pretty much every feature the EVGA board had short of SLI. It apparantly overclocks better too.


I'm a douchebag. I forgot to say thanks for all the effort at helping me out! It's always nice when people over the internet actually try to help someone figure something out. Thanks again man.
No problem.

That said, the 680i boards are 1333Mhz FSB / 45nm process Penryn/Yorksfield compatible, too.
Man, that's too bad.
Sounds like you did everything correctly.
You got a bad board.:eek:
I'm assuming the RAM and Q6600 work in your other board......if I missed that I apologize.
Did you try this with the board in or out of the case? Evidently the boards like to short out depending on where you've got the screw downs at.
if its in a case id say take it out and run it on like a wooden desk or something then see if it posts. if not call evga.
The board I have now isn't Quadcore compatible, but both the ram and the E6400 are working fine in it right now. The EVGA board wouldn't boot with the E6400 or the Q6600 in it. The ram was the same in all situations though. It's also working fine right now in the asus board.

I already rma'd the board to newegg with a detailed explanation of what I went through with it.

To be truthful though, I never did try it out of the case. Ah well. If I have any issues with the new board I'll give that a shot.