New 9800GTX and Q9450 loop need critique


Sep 5, 2006
So I'm building a new loop and thought that the MCR220 would be a nice res as it can cool and store water at the same time. I really only wanted the back mount and the res, but bought the kit off newegg since it's only 139...

Now I have a extra pump and thought... hmm maybe a dual loop? However I still only want to use the MCR220 as my only res. So, I'm think of splitting the out and in with a Y. The split will be right next to the res. Although I hear a lot of negatives about pallaral loops, I think if the splits occur right next to the res the turbulance issue should not be too bad.

Anyway... here's the plan



MCR220 res -> MCP655 pump -> PA 120.3 -> Q9450 cpu -> NB -> SB -> Quad GTX -> back to res


res -> MCP 350 pump/drive -> 9800GTX -> ram cooler -> back to res

So the smaller pump really don't push through a lot of restriction and the loop will be shorter. In terms of absolute cooling MCR220 + PA 120.3 + Quad GTX radatiors should be more than enough.

Any suggestions/comments?

If you're doing it for cosmetic reasons, that's fine.

Otherwise, that semi-dual parallel (?) loop doesn't make sense. You're sharing the same water and that defeats one the main purpose of having two seperate loops, which is to keep the fluids seperate to optimize your overclocks. I realize that you're trying to pre-empt restriction issues, but you can do better than this. Either go two (real) full loops or one.

p.s. With regards to your first sentence, be aware that reservoirs do absolutely nothing for cooling water. They are there for convenience and many people don't even bother with them...
No. Go single loop.

Parallel loops are just bad news, through and through.

And echn, the MCR220 radiator has the option of coming with a built in reservoir now.
I went with single loop and pumps in series. The turbulance was very bad. Even with the Y splitter at the very entrance of my MCR220 res, it's enough to cause water to flow backward when one pump is off.

Now my loop is like this

MCR220 -> MCP655 -> PA 120x3 -> D-Tek fusion -> NB -> SB -> HL GTX 480 -> MCW60 -> ram -> MCP355 -> MCR220
single loop its enough,me i have 3 pieces cooled with 2 radiators,and one pump alphacool ap910,all components is alphacool,made in germany.Its very good,and good prices.