New Auzen X-fi Prelude Pictures!

Looks good. Now let's get some shots of it in my hands ;)

Do we have any more information regarding the X-Tension HDMI situation? I want an absolute confirmation from Auzentech on it before I buy a Prelude.
It seems that they use other capacitor for the Prelude now. I'm interested to know how it would turn out. Btw what is that chip with the red dot next to the two RAM?
It is a complex programmable logic device (CPLD)..

I think it would be used for controlling the digital I/O to and from that AUD-EXT header. Of course without seeing the schematics I am just guessing.
@Phide, It has been confirmed by their tech support quite a few times. If you want to wait for a Press release, I would think it will be out shortly after the Prelude..
@Phide, It has been confirmed by their tech support quite a few times. If you want to wait for a Press release, I would think it will be out shortly after the Prelude..

Their tech support also confirmed the extension board for the X-Mystique quite a few times and look how that turned out. I'm not trying to knock it, but I agree with phide that it would be a lot better if there was more concrete information about the HDMI extension board.
i soo want this card hope its not like 500 bucks it fixes every thing thats wrong with the X-fi from creative
is there an estimated MSRP?
I contacted Auzentech about the X-Tension HDMI, and, additionally, requested that Auzentech form some sort of consumer relations program where we could talk to representatives here and at other forums. It seems like misinformation and misunderstandings are so prevalent about this shit that it almost seems necessary at this point, especially regarding Auzentech's stuff.

We'll see what happens.
the main reason for me to get this is to have BOTH a mic in AND a digital out. not ONE or the other CREATIVE suck-fi. lol so damn happy this card is coming out. I have to use my gaming pc and my laptop to both hear and speak on ventrillo b/c of creative.
According to this post:

" Everyone, the eagerly anticipated Auzentech X-FI Prelude soundcard is finally set for release in early August. Auzentech will begin air shipping cards from Korea on the second week of August. We are getting a good number of cards, but the initial production run is limited and restock is not expected until September at the earliest. The delays have allowed Auzentech to tweak the final design and work closely with Creative on driver improvements."

Hope that's not accurate - I hate soft launches (technically not a complete soft launch, but if it sells out in a few days and isn't available for a few months, that's close enough).
Hmm found this piece of information interesting from the NCIX thread...

DD Live/DTS Connect/DTS NEO are all supported in hardware but can't be activated until licensing paperwork has been completed.

Impressive if true.
What did I tell you Garret? "You can have hope in one hand and have crap in the other." LOL. Anytime someone gives you a date when a product will be release, you should always take it that it should be sometime after that date, not before. Never before. This is not a bad thing because they are just making sure the drivers work correctly and things run smooth. Rather a company take more time to do something right the first time than to send it out half-baked and try to fix it later thru revision and driver updates (hint....Creative).

To rub it in a little further "I TOLD YOU SO".

What did I tell you Garret? "You can have hope in one hand and have crap in the other." LOL. Anytime someone gives you a date when a product will be release, you should always take it that it should be sometime after that date, not before. Never before. This is not a bad thing because they are just making sure the drivers work correctly and things run smooth. Rather a company take more time to do something right the first time than to send it out half-baked and try to fix it later thru revision and driver updates (hint....Creative).

To rub it in a little further "I TOLD YOU SO".


lol Hey, all I said was that they put out a press release - I never doubted you for a second Kmat :) I wish they wouldn't announce products until they were ready to ship. Like a big "holy shit, guess what?!?!? We just created the greatest sound card in the world, and it will be in-stores on FUCKING TUESDAY FTW!!!!"

That's the type of press release I want to read. Once again, I'll optimistically hope and see where it gets me ;-)

The real question on my mind is: will the cards be widely available before the end of September?
those who pre-ordered at ncix, will the queue be respected?
One would assume so. There will likely be other retailers doing pre-orders, however. Just because NCIX may be the first to announce the pre-order doesn't mean they'll be the last. I'd guess that 75% of retailers will just put up the SKU when they have them in stock.

Unless you're in Canada and have had positive dealings with NCIX before, I'd just stick it out for a bit.
Hopefully other retailers, like newegg, will get larger initial stocks than NCIX gets. That would suck if this card meets expectations but is nowhere to be found when I need it most.
Hopefully other retailers, like newegg, will get larger initial stocks than NCIX gets. That would suck if this card meets expectations but is nowhere to be found when I need it most.

did you preorder it?