New AV40 owner but needs a sub. =D


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2006
Good evening everyone.

I just bought the AV40s and love their sound. Nice change from the crappy z5500s. Of course there is better out there but I like the sounds. But enough of that and lets get to the question.

Im looking for an amp.

Yes, even though they sound awesome I do miss the bass. All of the sudden and I dont know why, Im diggin dubstep. Love the crap. I love bass. So, the speakers sound great and pick up some great stuff from the music, but I cant help but to notice my stinky beer face when the lows dip.

So, I was looking at those Dayton subs. I don't have cash to blow on a sub but I'm able to set a bit aside. What would go well with them? Im gaming, listening to music and watching movies in my room. It's a medium sized room. I dont need to rattle my windows but would like some decent lows and a little...just a little...thump. 8, 10 or 12?

Thanks guys for reading through the crap. =D
Too late now...but you can apparently add decent speakers in place of the Z-5500 units. Thus increase speaker quality while keeping the sub and control pod.
Polk PSW505 only if it goes on sale for $169-179
BIC F-12 if it goes on sale for under $150
Dayton SUB-120 is probably the lowest i'd go with. pretty good budget sub.

all three will get you to window rattling stage, but you can always turn them down.

now the problem is, can you even hook a sub up to AV40's?
Too late now...but you can apparently add decent speakers in place of the Z-5500 units. Thus increase speaker quality while keeping the sub and control pod.

The sub is probably the worst part of the logitech systems. Most of them use tang band OEMs that aren't awful for their size for the satellites. Granted, the enclosures are horrendous and this makes the satellites sound a lot worse, but keeping the z-whatever sub is like swapping out the bun on a mcdonalds burger... there's no point really.

My friend's got a Bic F12 that's pretty nice. I'd probably go with that over Polk's subs. Their subs sound a little bit odd to me. The Dayton is decent too.
I haven't bought the sub yet. Still looking and trying to see what's the best band for the buck sub. I did connect the z5500 sub with the AV40s but that sub sounds bad. I didn't think it did but yes, when I play my AV40s by themselves they sound sweet. With the sub, they sounded like the regular satellites it came with. It's muddy and the bass is all over the place. I hope I'm making sense.

I really want the bass to be a bit tighter. I do listen to Rock, Metal, Dubstep and rap. But, I also have some classical and acoustic stuff I like to listen to. Not worried to much about the gaming since I game with my headphones.
I haven't tried it. And yes, I agree it's not a great sub, but most complaints are about the flat sound of the main speakers. And there are a few other topics here where people were extremely happy just by replacing the main speakers.

In any case, he's already tried it.