New BF2 patch released

Damn, haven't played bf2 in months...too much studying...and annoys me @ time with the GUI which is sooo cumbersome.
awwwww EA is so sweeet <3
and steam is filled with mentally challenged dickheads

happy valentines!!
Add 'em said:
Any official release notes with changes? I can't seem to find any.
Patch v1.2

Hard Drive Space

Windows will require additional free hard drive space for its operating system
(virtual memory). If you encounter the following message in an error dialog:
"Ran out of virtual memory", free up some more hard drive space.

To install Battlefield 2 Version 1.2 you will need approximately 2.0 GB free hard
disk space for the full patch or 1.5GB for the incremental patch, plus space for
saved games.

If you have Battlefield 2 installed to a different hard disk than where you have
Windows installed then approximately 375Mb (full patch) or 100Mb (incremental patch)
of the required free space must be available on the hard disk where Windows is

To install Battlefield 2: Euro Force you will need approximately 800Mb free hard
disk space plus space for saved games.

- It is very important to remember that the Special Forces executable is an earlier version of the game.
If you have purchased Battlefield 2: Special Forces after you have installed the patch, you will need to reinstall
patch 1.2 after installing Special Forces.

- Dolphin Diving is no longer possible
- Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
- "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
- "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
- Helicopters now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
- TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
- Damage decreased from M134
- Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
- AA missile lock has been improved
- All support kit weapons have been adjusted
- All Sniper rifles have been adjusted
- Sa80 has been adjusted
- G3A3 has been adjusted
- Reload while sprinting has been enabled
- Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.
- SCAR-L reload sound has been fixed
- Server setting to allow friendly fire to be off on mines without affecting other weapons.
- Server search filters now work properly
- Mines can no longer be destroyed with other explosives
- Bug in MP7 fire rate fixed. Ammo count increased and mag count and damage decreased
- Flash bang effect radius decreased
- Added unlocks for Sniper and AT kits
- Fixed a bug in terrain rendering with night vision, whereby terrain was still dark in dark areas.
- Fixed a bug whereby mods that are not bf2 or not xpack permutate shaders every time a level is loaded.
- Fixed a bug whereby non-xpack mods cannot use xpack shaders.
- Fixed bug in TV guided missiles of Havoc helicopter
- The LAV25 no longer shoots through penetrable materials.
- Vehicles no longer disappear when viewed from some vehicles with a HUD (e.g. Tanks).
- Performance gain found in static mesh rendering.
- Detonation radius from grenade launcher explosions has been reduced.
- Grenade launcher projectiles now have a minimum distance.
- Decreased Flashbang count from 4 to 3
- Replaced the existing Czech Flag with the correct one in the front end

- Ranks have now been expanded to allow for players to rank up to General

- The UAV that is placed by Commanders will now include a visual element. An actual UAV will appear within the
UAV detection radius and circle the area. Players will be able to shoot it down, bringing the UAV detection to a premature end.
The Commander will be able to continue placing UAVs once the timer resets, as per current design.

- Crossfire cards with 256 Megs of memory, running in CrossFire mode will run out of memory at very high resolution settings.
On very high resolutions, such as 1920x1440 with 6x antialiasing. In CrossFire mode the ATI drivers are more restrictive
about where resources are allocated, and as a result run out of memory sooner than with a single board. This running out of memory causes
the device context creation to fail. The result is that the game just sits in a loop with a black screen. If you experience a context creation failure
change your resolution to a lower setting (e.g. 1024x768 or even lower).

- All three Battlefield 2: Euro Force levels are configured for singleplayer as well as 16 and 32 players multiplayer.
64 players multiplayer is not supported.


sweet. I'm glad peeps are getting good rates. I figured this would be a good way to test stability of my site:)
kuyaglen said:
- All three Battlefield 2: Euro Force levels are configured for singleplayer as well as 16 and 32 players multiplayer.
64 players multiplayer is not supported.

That sucks. 64 player is so much more fun :)
Thanks for hosting the files! I appreciate it, we all know how annoying it is when you want to dl simple patch and they make you sign up for an account, wtf?!? that annoying as hell, all I want is 2 clicks and have the patch, instead of filling out shit, and then about 10 clicks to get to the actual file link.
Snotrocket said:
sweet. I'm glad peeps are getting good rates. I figured this would be a good way to test stability of my site:)

Thanks for hosting the patch! Great transfer rate! :D
Thanks so much EA was downloading @ only 7kb/s. I'm downloading from you at 800kb/s. Thanks.
Pretty interesting changes made when I played. Support is much better now. I'll go see how the AA is. I hear people experiencing many successes in them.
No problem guys. I got out of work early and hosted it up for a few of my friends and thought I'd share:)
Just played it. Seems alot more smoother actually. Dontk now what people are talking about how the support gun is now nerfed. It's definetely alot better, but not as deadly as people are bitching about it being. Seems like a normal support gun now. Good job on this much needed fix. I love seeing people trying to bunny hop and shoot at the same time. O man, was it funny.
I like the new AT unlock :) The AT P-90 is freaking awesome, loads of ammo, good range. On the other hand, the sniper unlock seems as powerful as the M95, takes a bit longer to reload, and makes a helluva loud sound. Thank the gods the dolphin diving is gone :cool:
wow...finally..... hope its going to be good this time, bf2 is the game I play with the most bugs.... fileshack, 300kbs, good enogh because i'm not going to play until weekend, downloading the upgrade version. :p
Thanks for the hosting, Snotrocket!
560kbps download! Everywhere else I was getting less than 200k, and a lot of stalled transfers.
Just installed the patch and now my BF2 doesn't load up! It loads to the BF2 screen, screen then turns black, and then goes back to desktop. Any ideas? This is why I hate new patches!
CNV said:
Just installed the patch and now my BF2 doesn't load up! It loads to the BF2 screen, screen then turns black, and then goes back to desktop. Any ideas? This is why I hate new patches!

Same thing happened to my friend.

I went over to the Battlefield 2 forums (wow, bunch of newbs bitching... a lot are bitching at EA because they're download for the patch is slow :rolleyes: fucking newbs.. find a new link) This guy was saying he wanted to kill someone because EA sucks so much because his download was slow and he demands it go faster... GO FIND ANOTHER LINK MORON!)

That forum is infested with shit talking newbs, this is why the game is ruined... and poor patch release.

Anyways, a lot of people have that problem man.. there's no fix for it, we've tried everything (including the edit of video.con file.)

He's going to try reinstalling now... If I don't reply back then that didn't work.
I'm having a strange problem...

Since installing the patch, when ever I login... I get automaticly started on a server. @.@

Simple enough to ESC, but it's annoying...
To everyone having problems with new patch: try installing patch while in safe mode. Try this for all the patches, it was the only thing that ever worked for me.
Red~Mage said:
I'm having a strange problem...

Since installing the patch, when ever I login... I get automaticly started on a server. @.@

Simple enough to ESC, but it's annoying...

im not sure but i think thats an option, something like quick play...

when i first installed bf2, it did that, i think i turned it off
0810 said:
im not sure but i think thats an option, something like quick play...

when i first installed bf2, it did that, i think i turned it off

I see the option to use the feature, but I don't see a means to turn it off... There is no "Auto PlayNow!" option either.
I love taking out planes now :)

Also the support is much more playable. The overall experiece seems smoother, especially on servers that are not close to me.

Definately prefer the lack of dolphin diving gun shot victimization.
only played a little bit. didnt mess around with any of the unlocks though as I primarily play SF (boo! hiss! i know). Support guns are definitely very much improved. Be careful because a couple of the guns (PKM and SAW i believe) are actually a hair less accurate when you zoom in with them.

The P-90 is statistically similar to the mp5 but with more ammo. The new sniper rifle is statistically *identical* to the M24. Its there so MEC and PLA can use something more accurate than the M95. the G3 is basically as accurate as the AKs now. The L-85 now kills with a headshot (before it could leave you with a bar or two of health).

New AA missiles fly faster so you get more hits. Although somehow I fired 2 missiles last night and got three "Team Vehicle Damage" penalties (but no teamkills). not sure how that is possible.

Grenades go farther, and at least twice last night on Gator I was spared a messy death when some good players overthrew their grenades.

and while I didnt take advantage of the OP hosting the patch, id like to also express my appreciation to people donating their bandwith for a higher purpose :)
Lakedaimon said:
New AA missiles fly faster so you get more hits. Although somehow I fired 2 missiles last night and got three "Team Vehicle Damage" penalties (but no teamkills). not sure how that is possible.

its always been like that, its just more team damage since they fly so much faster... lets say you are in a jet chasing an enemy, who, at the same time is chasing a teammate of yours, you get a lock on the enemy and fire. however, the missillie may completley miss the enemy and hit your teammate.

your teammate is basically a never ending flare for the enemy :p