new blackberry on the way


Limp Gawd
Sep 23, 2007
my brother finally talked me into getting a smartphone so i went with a curve since the att rep gave it to me for free with my upgrade. my question is what are some good websites for apps? i ran across but it seems a little flaky. any tips would be appreciated.
Crackberry's website sucks, but there's a lot of good information. Pinstack is good, and I'm a regular over at Howard Forums (7000+ members online usually).

The Curve isn't new or on the way. It just came out for Verizon, but it's been out for other carriers for awhile. The newest BlackBerry devices are the Bold and the Thunder (name may change).

The Bold succeeds the BlackBerry 88xx series, as it'll be larger than the Curve. The Thunder will be mostly touchscreen, although there are differing reports on whether it'll be like the iPhone or have a sliding QWERTY keyboard.

Depending on your carrier, you may or may not want to wait for the Bold. I think AT&T gets it first, but I could be wrong. It'll probably be awhile for Verizon since the Curve just came out. The Thunder is supposedly exclusive to Verizon, at least temporarily, but it'll still be next year probably.
honestly i could careless about waiting for the bold. if it wasnt free i wouldve never considered it. i've been using burners for the last 3 years anyway. i buy $20 prepaid phones and put my sim card in...they last a few months and i get a new one.
The Bold looks interesting and could be a hot seller, but if the price is around $800 as some sites suggest, then it'll flop. I've got the 8320 Curve from T-Mobile. It's a fantastic little device; the WiFi is awesome! T-Mobile runs great sales promotions, too. Right now, they have a deal that gets you an 8320 for FREE plus gives you $50 cash once the rebates kick in. I got my 8320 with that deal last October. and are excellent sites to fuel your addiction. isn't bad, either.
i found a version of aim from aol but anyone have any other suggestions? i must be overlooking the preferred app cause everything i've found looks like crape sheith. also i'm looking for a good list of mobile optimized, blah blah. if i find another top 10 list with twitter on it i'm gonna vommit my ass.
Jivetalk is the best IM software for BB. It's an all in one package, similar to Trillian. It's free for 30 days.