New Blizz game


Apr 2, 2003
I haven't really payed attention lately to whats coming out or whos making what but has Blizz mentioned anything about a SC2 or Diablo3 or any new PC game lately?
They announced Starcraft: Ghost a few years ago. I forget whether that was console-only though. Thats the only "recent" announcement they've made other than WoW.
that really sucks. I know alot of people are Blizzard Fans. However I am sure the WoW is probably taking all the resources blizzard has at the moment, they really been doing a good job lately with the ppatches and additions. I know that not everyone is happy about everyting, but overall theres been alot going on still, even with the Expansion coming soon!
Ghost is the only officially announced game they have in the works, and it is an Xbox(not 360) title.

At blizzcon they had mentioned another diablo in the works, but I wouldnt count that as official.

EDIT: also at the job board at the con they were looking for quest writers for a game OTHER than wow, which also alludes that they have something cooking up
Yea, I'd love a new StarCraft or Diablo. WoW is great but how 'bout a game for the non-MMO crowd?
They better not WoW is still not close to finished. They have to finish the xpack fix all the classes etc :D
we want starcraft 2 :D there's war3, diablo 2, but only starcraft 1 :x or maybe it'll be a spin off diablo cuz we have world of warcraft (warcraft) starcraft ghost (starcraft) but nothing for diablo
I love starcraft but I dread them making a sequel, I can't imagine them getting the balance of the game right. However, I would totally pay for a version of star craft that was exactly the same but on the war 3 engin.e..
Slartibartfast said:
I love starcraft but I dread them making a sequel, I can't imagine them getting the balance of the game right. However, I would totally pay for a version of star craft that was exactly the same but on the war 3 engin.e..
QFT! Maybe they should just leave the legend be. WC3 was a complete miserable disappointment if you ask me. They would probably do the same thing with any sequel to SC. I am just wondering why they went back to WC (for WC3) after it was obvious that SC was the golden ticket. I played WoW for quite a while before I got sick of it, so now I sit and wait for something good to come out of Blizzard's workshop again.

A new Diablo would rock, but I am sure it will end up being some MMO, or online heavy design that will kill the fun of lanning with friends over a weekend. After the success of WoW how could you blame them for going that route again?
i heard somewhere that at blizzcon they announce diablo 2 will be an mmo and something about starcraft 2
aggpirate said:
They better not WoW is still not close to finished. They have to finish the xpack fix all the classes etc :D

I wouldn't worry too much about that, Blizzard tends to support games heavily for a long time. The last Starcraft Patch was only a few weeks ago, and there's been Warcraft 3 maps even more recently.

They certainly aren't dumb enough to drop work on something as massive as WoW, if (if?)there's more games coming they'll just hire more people, maybe all the people, they've got that kind of money now (and as pointed out, their recruitment pages over recent would seem to indicate alot going on).

In general, SC:Ghost and The Burning Crusade are the only officially in development projects.

but it will never be as good as the first b/c bill left the company.
Same as diablo

i heard if you beat WC3 on the final difficulty you get a quick trailor of some Starcraft in 3D thing. I found a link a long time ago with pictures but dont remember anymore im sure if you google it you can find it

maybe it was a hoax though, i never beat WC3 - hardly ever played it too busy playing SC at the time...

EDIT: i just googled it and found this picture maybe fake though but looks professional and not a mod of WC3

Star Craft 2??
Molingrad said:
i heard if you beat WC3 on the final difficulty you get a quick trailor of some Starcraft in 3D thing. I found a link a long time ago with pictures but dont remember anymore im sure if you google it you can find it

maybe it was a hoax though, i never beat WC3 - hardly ever played it too busy playing SC at the time...

EDIT: i just googled it and found this picture maybe fake though but looks professional and not a mod of WC3

Star Craft 2??

Its just some marine and hydralisk and zergling units added to WC3. Just a little easter egg.