New Boot Drive Recommendations?


May 30, 2002
Basically, my boot drive -- a WD800JB, started clicking like hell, and it ran out of warranty several months ago.

I'll go get a new drive on Monday. I'm needing something as cheap as possible, and size isn't really a big issue, as all that goes on this drive is programs and the OS. Reliability is a big concern, and a big warranty is a plus. However, the key thing here is speed. The faster the better.

Here are my choices.

Maxtor L01P200 -- 200GB, 8MB buffer, PATA -- $60 -- $0.30/GB
Maxtor L01R250 -- 250GB, 16MB buffer, PATA -- $100 -- $0.40/GB
Seagate ST3160827AS-RK -- 160GB, 8MB buffer, NCQ, SATA -- $70 -- $0.43/GB

Which of these best balances performance, cost, and size? I know I said size isn't really an issue, but if I'm going to shell out for a drive, I want my money's worth.

I'm guessing the L01R250 or the Seagate is the fastest, followed by the other of those two, and then the L01P200, but is the performance difference noticeable enough to merit the cost difference? Plus, the 250GB one doesn't involve rebates, which is a definite plus.

Which one would you recommend?