New Build: 750D/M6E/4770K


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 15, 2005
Hey all. I'm building a new rig finally, specs are below and I'll post a couple of teaser pics. (not really a build log thread). I'm still not 100% of which GPU blocks I'm gonna end up with so any input is appreciated. I also wanted to replace my Supreme HF with a Kyros HF but I didn't feel like listing it, selling it, buying the new block then having it plated again as I'd like to have it all finished by the 2nd or 3rd week in January and the plating process took a while last time.

I guess while I'm here if anyone is interested in the block or the I&H res let me know and I'll make an official FS/FT thread in necessary.

290X is on it's way here from NewEgg, I still need to purchase the Radiators and whatever GPU blocks I decide to pick-up. Was waiting on Gary to get the AX's back in stock @ Sidewinder.

Let me know what you guys think!

System Components:
Corsair 750D
Seasonic X-1250 or x-1000 Platinum
i7 4770K
R9 290X Crossfire
16gb Samsung DDR3
2x Crucial M4 256GB

1x EK Supreme HF - Plated by RRTech
2x AquaComputer Kryographics or HeatKiller GPU-X?
1x XSPC AX360
1x XSPC AX240
5x NoiseBlocker eLoop PWM 800-1500RPM
1x I&H 225 (most likely will be replaced)
2x Laing DDC 3.25
1x EK Dual DDC Top (most likely will be replaced)
16x BitsPower Compressions 7/16 x 5/8
16x PrimoChill Advanced LRT 7/16 x 5/8

Teaser Pics with CPU / Block Mounted:

Crude rad positioning:

Base shot:

CPU Close up:

Res test mount: