New build not booting...Help Troubleshoot


Jan 5, 2006
I just built a new pc for my dad. Specs are as follows:

AMD 64 X2 5200+
Gigabyte GA-M61P-S3
2GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2
Rosewill 350W power supply

I put everything together last night and went to fire it up and nothing. Whenever i pushed the power button, the led would light up for a fraction of a second and then go out again. It wasn't even enough time for the system fans to kick on. No I'm not experienced with troubleshooting hardware problems since I've never really had any. My first guess would be the power supply since it won't even power up. Any other thoughts?
Power supply a possible issue, maybe bad memory, try one stick at a time and maybe different slots to see if it is a mobo issue. Maybe some bogus default settings in the BIOS, try clearing it and see if it will boot.
did the motherboard manufacture recommend a power supply?many variables here ram,onboard graphics shot,bad power supply,or not enough juice,motherboard,etc..
Double check that you have all the power connectors to your motherboard. Check the 4-pin connector to the motherboard.
It could be a short...

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If you have both the 20 OR 24 pin main ATX connector plugged in, AND the 4-Pin ATX12V P4 CPU connector plugged in, then the board should boot fine.

You could test the PSU. Jump start it (on the main atx connector, short the green wire with any black wire, using a paperclip), and see if it stays on. If not, then its a faulty PSU. If it works then proceed.

Setup everything outside of the case, with the mobo on top of its cardboard box. Plug in only the essentials:
- PSU (namely: main 20/24-pin ATX connector and 4-pin ATX12V P4 CPU Connector)
- CPU w/ HSF
- Single stick of ram
- Videocard if there is no onboard video
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Use a screwdriver if your board doesnt have an onboard power switch
- System speaker/buzzer

Jump the two power switch leads to turn the power on. If it won't post, try different RAM slots. If it won't post, pull out the ram (so no ram in the system) and listen for error beeps. If none, pull the vidcard and listen for error beeps. If none, re-seat the CPU/HSF and try again.
350w PSU?

Should still be able to power up that system. Media rig in my sig is only powered using a 270W PSU. ;)

Rosewill isn't the greatest brand, however. Its Newegg's house brand, and they're not known for using good OEMs for most of their low end PSUs.
Thanks for all the replys guys. 350w is plenty for this system, and it does have and is using the onboard video. I highly doubt it is the ram as i have had bad ram before and the system would turn on but not post. This system that I am building won't even power on.

I will test the power supply when i get home tonight. Someone at work also told me to try setting the system up out of the case as well as there may be a short with it in the case. I will set it up tonight and test the power supply and hopefully at least find the problem.

I will report back with what i find...
Sounds like you may have forgotten to place spacers between your mobo and the case. If you do not space the mobo from the case it will short out every time you attempt to turn it on.

It's possible it could be your power supply but if it is new it's sort of unlikely.

I would definitely check for spacers. It's been known to happen when you get in a rush. I've seen it happen :)
My first step when I had a problem was making sure everything was plugged in (no cpu, ram, etc.), then trying it. If it powered up, I added one thing at a time (cpu, then ram, then video) and repeated until I found the culprit.
Ok problem solved. I took everything out of the case and set it on the mobo box with just the essentials and it fired up fine. So I pieced everything back together and finally found out that the front panel usb was not plugged into the pins correctly.

I double checked the mobo manual and the labels on the usb connectors and they were plugged in correctly according to both. This means that either the mobo manual or the labels on the usb cables themselves are wrong. So i flipped the connections and tada, it worked.

Thanks again for all the replies.
Its more likely the cables were labeled wrong from the case. This is a common problem with generic cases. Glad you figured it out!