new build please help. Im out of loop

1st Sgt. Burke

Limp Gawd
Nov 1, 2004
Im out of the loop technology wise. When I built the rig in my sig everything was 'in'. Now i have almost no idea....Anyway My 6800gt died, and ppl are saying build a new rig instead of buying a better agp card so this is what ive put togetehr so far. The rig will be used for general gaming, AA, BF2, COD2, MOH:AB, GRAW etc, id liek it to be future tech compatable and most importantly bebale to play all my current games maxed or close to.




x2 sli cards

all for just under $600.00 when stealing from my rig.

What do you think? Is it all compatable?
It's compatible, but there are several ways you could be getting an awful lot more for your money.

First of all, unless you just love AMD or are unwilling to OC at all (and OCing C2Ds is /easy/, raise FSB, give it ~0.1 higher vcore and you're done) any new build right now should be Intel. I'm no fanboy -- my last two machines were AMD, but it's pretty much undeniable that Intel is on top with the C2D right now. For $30 more than you're paying for that 6000+ you can get an E6750 that'll OC above 4Ghz with just a bit of luck and an aftermarket CPU cooler. C2Ds are faster clock per clock and OC like they were made for it. Even a $75 E2xxx series chip can hit 3+Ghz with an aftermarket cooler, and if you get a 650i or P35 based motherboard you can replace that chip in a year or so with a 45nm quad core that'll run cool and OC like mad.

Second, 2 8500GTs in SLI is about the worst SLI config you can get in the current generation. 8500's are flat out crippled by their very restrictive memory bus. Even two of them together is still not going to give you enough power and bandwidth to play modern games at anything about 1024x768, and that's assuming the game has a working SLI profile. This X1950Pro will be as fast as the 8500's in SLI and if you get a P35 board with crossfire support you can add a second if you want to in the future. (I only suggest this because you clearly aren't in the market for a ~$300 8800 GTS)

The RAM is fine for the board and all you've selected, but you could get 4 GB of DDR2-800 for around $130 if you look around.
I agree with everything said above. Especially the part about 8500 SLIs being a VERY bad idea. Also, if you go with 4GB of RAM, be aware you will need a 64-bit version of Windows.
I agree with everything Silent Circuit and Frogger just said, especially about the Intel chip but ESPECIALLY about the 8500 sli. Very bad idea.

If you really want to go SLI, then get a better mobo.

the evga 680i boards are pretty popular.
also as others have pointed out, the intel chips are much better. e6750 is a great deal right now.
Like everyone else said. The 8500's in SLI is a bad idea and unless you are a complete AMD fanboy then go Intel.
I would personally do the rather crazy thing of going for the E2160 or E2180 Pentium Dual Core chips (often reffered to as C2D's, which they are't) and overclocking them to about 3.4 ghz. It has been proven that for all normal uses, and gaming, the extra cache makes literally no difference at all, only in things like video encoding, which it will be still do well anyway. Then buy an 8800GTS, and you will have a smokin' system