New Camera $400 Budget

Sep 25, 2004
I've finally saved up enough cash to get a fairly decent camera. I spent a few hours looking at review sites the best that I found was Digital Camera Resource. But I still can't pick!

What I would be using it for is taking out door shots at night and dusk/sunset. Also indoor shots of computer close ups since I mod and would like the camera to capture all the details.

What I'm looking for is....

1: Best optical zoom higher than 3x
2: Close macros shots that are bright
3: Little to no noise/grainy-ness
4: Good night shots taking in a lot of light (no purple fringes)
5: Meets the budget of $400 or less.
6: Manual focus.

Cameras that I have been looking at are the Fuji s5100, and Minolta Dimage Z2. I'm wondering if theres any better ones out there. :)

Thanks in advance!
Hey it's another person from the ATL! :D I've looked into that one...forgot one thing on my list. Manual Focus. Oh and yep I've checked out that site, a friend of mine just told me about it .
JessAlba452 said:
Hey it's another person from the ATL! :D I've looked into that one...forgot one thing on my list. Manual zoom. Oh and yep I've checked out that site, a friend of mine just told me about it .

A95 has manual zoom
its good stuff
i like my manual zoom with the A80

ATL represent ...
well atleast for two more days
then Athens represnet !
*throws gang signs*
Oh and I just used the link to the buying chart you gave me. LoL it gave me the same choices I listed. Except it gave all the Dimage series. So I'm still stuck on the Fuji s5100 and Dimage Z2. :eek: So weird lol.

I'm near choosing a Dimage Z2 for my next camera since it's got 10x optical zoom and longer exposure which helps for night shots.
if you arent going for the awesome a95 then i guess minolta is a bit better

im not sure how well it does with noise ... and how much noise removal it does after a long exposure

i always recomend nikons and canons since they are fantastic ... i dont know anyone with a minolta cam ...

i suggest you read the reviews on dpreview and steve's digicams ...
I've been looking for a while. At first I wanted to get a Digital Rebel. I think I'll stick with that choice and just wait a while to save up around $1000. So then there'll be enough to buy a larger CF card, and other acessories other than a new lense. Also the price of the Rebel is going down along with a $100 rebate. Hopefully I'll have one in my hands soon enough! :D
JessAlba452 said:
I've been looking for a while. At first I wanted to get a Digital Rebel. I think I'll stick with that choice and just wait a while to save up around $1000. So then there'll be enough to buy a larger CF card, and other acessories other than a new lense. Also the price of the Rebel is going down along with a $100 rebate. Hopefully I'll have one in my hands soon enough! :D

yeah you can get the rebel for sooooo cheap ... its not that great of a build but it makes fantastic shots ...
you can get it now for about 700 bucks after the rebate

so what will you end up getting ?
Yep! And $700 is an awesome price considering they used to go for $1000 or so. :D So my choice is the Digital Rebel since I'm a beginner.
JessAlba452 said:
Yep! And $700 is an awesome price considering they used to go for $1000 or so. :D So my choice is the Digital Rebel since I'm a beginner.

not bad ... you'll be happy with it ...
i was suprised at the quality of shots i got with it ...
but nothing compares to my new 20D
Yeppers, I hope its a good camera! A 20D sounds reallly nice!

Any idea what would be a good sized CF card for the Rebel? I'm thinking either 512Mb or 1Gb. Never owned anything higher than 2Mp before so I have a feeling its going to eat up those CF cards. :D
JessAlba452 said:
Yeppers, I hope its a good camera! A 20D sounds reallly nice!

Any idea what would be a good sized CF card for the Rebel? I'm thinking either 512Mb or 1Gb. Never owned anything higher than 2Mp before so I have a feeling its going to eat up those CF cards. :D

you are going to shoot in jpg mode at the heigest quality ... so that will give you like 300 shots on a 1GB card or so
if you intend to shoot in raw get a 2GB san disk ultra 2
otherwise any 1GB CF card will work
dont worry about the speed... you really don't need it unless you need to do some major shooting action where you need a fast write speed

i use a kingston 1gb card with my 20D .... im looking to upgrade to a 2GB 40x to 60X card .... but thats when i get some money ..
Awesome! :) Thanks for the great advice! I'll pick up a 2Gb for RAW pictures when I get the Rebel.
Ah I broke down and bought myself a camera!

Panasonic DMC ZF15

No need for a hotshoe since I'll be doing mostly daylight photos if outside and it was in my price range. :D Yippiee!
Good choice. You'll love the zoom.

I have the older version of that camera, the FZ10. The only differences are that mine has a hot shoe, a weaker built in flash and the "Venus Engine 1". You should be quite happy with it.

JessAlba452 said:
Ah I broke down and bought myself a camera!

Panasonic DMC ZF15

No need for a hotshoe since I'll be doing mostly daylight photos if outside and it was in my price range. :D Yippiee!

Hells yeah! Excellent choice!

I got myself an FZ20 last month

I <3 my FZ20
:D Omg this camera is SWEET! This is my first digital camera since the other one I used was my friends. It only had 4x digital zoom and the ability to turn the flash on or off. There are so many features! :eek: It's going to be really hard to learn all of this so hopefully I'll be sticking around the Photography forum to learn more about how to take pictures.
JessAlba452 said:
:D Omg this camera is SWEET! This is my first digital camera since the other one I used was my friends. It only had 4x digital zoom and the ability to turn the flash on or off. There are so many features! :eek: It's going to be really hard to learn all of this so hopefully I'll be sticking around the Photography forum to learn more about how to take pictures.

That cam makes it easy to learn :D
Whoa! :eek: That is what I call macro! lol There is so much stuff I have to learn omg....and lenses / filters too! Anyone have a website that gives you a rundown of lenses, what they do, and how they're used?

Like UV filter, Polarizing Filter, Telephoto Lense, Wide angle lense...all of those. :)
JessAlba452 said:
Whoa! :eek: That is what I call macro! lol There is so much stuff I have to learn omg....and lenses / filters too! Anyone have a website that gives you a rundown of lenses, what they do, and how they're used?

Like UV filter, Polarizing Filter, Telephoto Lense, Wide angle lense...all of those. :)

You should google the basics of digital photography. I don't know of a website that has all that. There are forums like this one that are much more active..

They have a LOT of information and a lot of good pictures.
JessAlba452 said:
Checking it out right now! Thank you for the link :D

No Problemo. That forum is where I found info on that super macro converter of doom. It shall be mine.. oh yes, it shall be mine!
I just had a little fun with the camera using the macro setting. Oh and of course trusty photoshop. I didn't scale down the image much which is why you can see noise. I can say that this is my first [H]ard pic! :D I like it!

JessAlba452 said:
I just had a little fun with the camera using the macro setting. Oh and of course trusty photoshop. I didn't scale down the image much which is why you can see noise. I can say that this is my first [H]ard pic! :D I like it!


DORK!!! :D