New Catalyst 8.07 beta drivers out.


Aug 17, 2004
Here is a link to the new Catalyst Beta drivers.
Someone test these out so I can install them when I get home :D

This must be Beta 4.10. Where did you find these and where are the docs?


Guru3D said:
ATI has decided to make the 8.07 beta driver available to the public for a variety of reasons.

The 8.07 beta driver fixes a random hang issue with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic when loading / switching levels. We have received a significant number of bug reports for this issue and feel that it should be addressed as quickly as possible.

ATI wants to provide its RADEON X700 customers with the same level of performance and gaming experience as shown in the recent RADEON X700 reviews. Unfortunately due to the time requirements to ship RADEON X700s to retail shelves a now out-dated 8.04 driver had to be used for the software CD.

The 8.07 beta driver includes a memory allocation bug fix for all AGP RADEON products with 256 of MB of memory that significantly improves performance for applications that make intensive us of graphics memory.
noob question . . . .

should i uninstall the 4.9's then install these or just install over the 4.9's?
Uninstall in safe mode too, otherwise a lot of files that windows is using will still be there because they can't uninstall while in use.
Techreport says smoother doom performance with these. I tested Doom 3, and while I have no exact, conclusive proof yet, it does *seem* smoother. :)
nevermind, i found them on ati's website. it just says its a hot fix but there the drivers.
i get an extra 5 fps in doom 3 timedemo demo1

definately worth installing!

also my 3dmark05 score went up from 5294 to 5672 a huge boost for just a driver change
These drivers rock.

From 4300 to 5700 in 3DMark05. 5-10 extra fps in D3. Smooth and stable.

Mister E's driver rating: 9.5 out of a possible 10 :D
nice, 5 fps extra in doom3 and stopped jittering in cmr5.

and i dont think it has the AI feature aswell. :)
I have a quick question, if I un-install 4.9, will my Catalyst Control Center be uninstalled? Is there a CCC that comes with the beta 4.10 (
spriigan8 said:
I have a quick question, if I un-install 4.9, will my Catalyst Control Center be uninstalled? Is there a CCC that comes with the beta 4.10 (

Just uninstall the driver. Thats why ati has seperate DL's for drivers and cp's
just a really dumb question I was about to install but I forget what is the the key to hit to get into sfemode when you restart?
I'm getting a dead link, which makes no sense.

mirror @ Guru3d

Went from 2525 3dmarks in '05 to 2611. Small boost, but appreciated. Thanks for the heads up.
SnowBeast said:
Control panel and driver. Not CCC. Also to note these are the 4.11's if I am correct.
are these the same drivers as D4hPr0 posted?