New Computer, Ideas on components


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2004
I know this isn't the best thread to put this in so feel free to move it, just wasn't sure where it would be appropriate.

So i've been running my machine for about 4 years now, and it finally crapped out to the point that i can't figure out what's wronge with it, but that's not the question i have.

I'm trying to keep my budget under $1000. All i'm needing is a processor, board, ram, and graphics card. You know, the most expensive parts ;) Any recommendations?

I've only put thought into the graphics card. I was thinking either SLi'ing two 8600gt's, being that i can get that at work for ~$129 a piece. If a $300 card alone would run better than this i would go that route, just whatever works the best.

Anything will help, thankyou!
I would vote against SLI when first building a PC unless you're pouring unlimited funds into it and SLIing (is that a word? lol) 2 top of the line cards

My main reason is upgradibility. When you get to the point of needing more GPU power, you'll have ditch both video cards and start from scratch. On the other hand, if you buy 1 8800GT, you'll get close to top performance in most games and when you need the extra power, you can pop in another 8800GT or sell your 8800 GT and get a better card.

As for the CPU, i'd get the best one you can afford because those are the hardest to replace in my opinion. I'm not sure how much better the Core 2 Quad is from the Core 2 duo but it should future proof that part of your pc

8800GT - $300
Core 2 Quad Q6600 - $280
eVGA nForce 680i LT SLI - $129 (after rebate)
I have this motherboard and it's worked good for me
4 GB Patriot Extreme Performance (2 x 2 GB) - $130 after rebate

Total = $839
Ok, wasn't sure if the 8800gt would be better, or the SLi. Good to know.

I've heard a lot of bad things about the 680i, should i dissregard this?

Would a 500w power supply surfice for this setup? And any recommendations for a heatsink? I heard the 6600 OC's real well.

That link compares 8600 SLI vs old 8800GTS. The 8800GT is better than the old 8800GTS so I'd say 8800GT is the better option

As for the 680i, I've seen individuals give it bad reviews but most website reviews were pretty good and I had a good experience with it. I guess the biggest knock on it is the poor active cooling that is used on both the SPP and MCP. I don't overclock much at all though (only memory timings). It's supposed to overclock really well but heat might be an issue of there's not good airflow.

A 500W power supply would work with 1 8800GT and the rest but if you want to go 8800GT SLI down the road then I would go 600w - 700w (need 38 amps on 12v rails I believe)

I'm using stock heatsinks since I don't OC much so can't help you there. I think Zalman is a popular brand as is Thermaltake.
The only time SLI makes sense with midrange cards is when its an upgrade ie. if you already have 1 8600GT and want a little more power. Otherwise your almost alway better off with a single high end card.
if you overclocked, you could skimp on the cpu, skimp on the ram, get a good board, a mid range psu, and focus the rest of your funds into the video card. this whole arrangement is made even easier if you lived in a state where there's a fry's store, as they often have boxed cpu/mobo combos that are less than the cpu alone online.
I know this isn't the best thread to put this in so feel free to move it, just wasn't sure where it would be appropriate.

So i've been running my machine for about 4 years now, and it finally crapped out to the point that i can't figure out what's wronge with it, but that's not the question i have.

I'm trying to keep my budget under $1000. All i'm needing is a processor, board, ram, and graphics card. You know, the most expensive parts ;) Any recommendations?

I've only put thought into the graphics card. I was thinking either SLi'ing two 8600gt's, being that i can get that at work for ~$129 a piece. If a $300 card alone would run better than this i would go that route, just whatever works the best.

Anything will help, thankyou!
OMG no, not 8600s!

8800GT, or 3870. Both are under $300 (most of them anyway).

I saw a 2x 2GB DDR2-800 memory kit for $90, but only get 4G if you plan on a 64bit OS.

Gigabyte seems like a good MB brand recently, one of the ones with "solid capacitors".

Since your PC is 4 years old, maybe think about a Raptor SATA drive as the system drive, I know you weren't planning on a new HD, but it can give you a big boost in speed in a few areas.

I've sing 1GB DDR2-667 memory as cheap as $10 a stick after rebate. A couple of those would be fine, particularly if you're not running Vista, but if you're going to overclock much you'll want some faster memory.

Keep your eyes peeled for good deals, for instance, I got my Antec 650 watt PS with active PFC for $89 after rebate.

8800GT is faster than 3870, but, Crossfire seems better than SLI? I would just get the one 8800GT (that's what I did today, brought back the 3850 and upgraded to the 8800GT, the 3850 was fine for 90% of the games I play (great, in fact) but, I'd like to be able to run more games at 1680x1050 with 4x AA and the 3850 doesn't quite cut it at those settings for some games.

I wouldn't bother with SLI, getting a new generation card always seems like a better price/performance deal than getting the 2nd card for SLI down the road, the prices just don't drop as fast as the technology goes forward.

Definately overclock SOME, not saying there's any need to push it (unless that's your thing) but running a Core 2 Duo at stock speed is a shame, no where near it's potential, for most of the models, same with a lot of the AMD CPUs also. I would say run at 400Mhz FSB with the memory at 1:1 at whatever multiplyer your CPU is stable at without pushing the voltage.
I built everything in my sig for 1k (also a 320gb wd hd i didnt list). I got some decent deals though (4gb ram for 89 shipped, psu for $80 shipped after rebate etc). My video card will be here friday! cant wait.. my last system was an athlon tbird 1ghz @ 1.3 ghz geforce ti 200.. so will be quite and upgrade!
this was going to be my build

Gigabyte P35 $100
Q6600 G0 2.4GHz $260
Corsair 620watt $120
G.Skill 2x1GB Ram $50
Dual optical drive $25
8800gt 512MB $260-$300
Coolermaster 690 $80 (was for $30 week ago cause of MIR)
Seagate Barracuda 320mb $80

id wait off your build till the new processors come out as they will havve more cache and faster MHz at same price range as current ones.
at this stage, theres no reason to sli anything lower than a 8800 since the 9xxx series are coming out in february. anything lower than a 8800 will become the low end and 8800 will become the mid range excluding the ultra and newer gts