New Contenders for April


Mar 13, 2004
Now that BFV has droped and so far the majority say its a peice of crap, although I disagree, I'd like to take a sec and get peoples opinion about 2 major games coming out in April.

Doom III (if its really coming out this time)

City of Heroes

Doom III, very promising, although im a little worried about the multiplayer, and city of heroes is a awsome idea, but lets hope it works.

How do you think they will turn out?
Lets hear it!

City of Heroes sounded really cool when I heard about it two years ago, but I didn't like how you the developers said you couldn't be a super villain. Have they changed that?

If they make it all seamless, smooth, humorous, and enjoyable, it'll be a winner.

As for Doom 3, I wouldn't put money on it this time either.
I read that the super villian cabilities are going to be in future expantion packs. So that should be cool.
hmm, I really don't like stupid comic superhero games (accept viewtiful joe) But I'm just wondering, how could a BF game be so bad as people are already saying its crap?

Not directed at you obviously, since you said you liked it, but what were the complaints? That it didn't work with 9800s?

Also, I think that Splinter Cell will do very well.
People are complaining about normal game bugs, like sound issues, frame rates, combataiblity issues. alot of people said its buggy as hell with the 9800 cards, but I have the 9800XT and ive had no problems yet...

I don't get it honestly...
I like BF:Nam... So far I think most of the complains have been performance related as oppose to content.