New CRT questions


Limp Gawd
Apr 17, 2004
Hey Guys,

I just got my IBM P260B monitor, and its really sweet so far. I'm running at 1600x1200 resolution at 85 hertz, and it seems really nice! Anyway i have some questions.

It seems to have some convergence issues (as it seems many big monitors have). Its not really that bad, and i've got it to a place where its pretty even across the screen. The problem is when i make it so it has perfect convergence in the middle, it becomes really wacked out on the sides. Is there a way to fix this so it can be perfectly converged in the middle and on the sides?

Also, this monitor supports up to 1920x1440 resolution but in my control panel, it only goes up to 1600x1200 resolution. Is there a way i can get it to run at 1920x1440 resolution? I have a Geforce Ti4400.

Also, this CRT supports DVI input. I don't have a DVI cable tho, does anyone know where to buy a high quality DVI cable? Thanks for all the help guys.

Edit: it also can allow me to choose between a regular color mode, and sRGB mode. Which should i choose?

the convergance issue.

What EXACTLY are you using to test the convergance of the monitor?
ignitionxvi said:
the nokia monitor tester tool

i can link you if you need it


it should have a grid pattern.

with white lines spaced about 1 inch apart.
ok just looked at the convergance section.

When you click the left mouse button.

The blue, green, red move?

If they are not aligned that is fine. That is actually an "illusion" by the colors and how your eyes interpret them :)

the important part is when you left click. The color should not move at all. Is that what is happening to you?
yeah it moves along the most at the sides of the screen, not very much in the middle, and its only horizontal, not vertical.

how many zone if ANY does your monitor have for convergance?

the trick is to get the middle spot on and converge the sides and top & bottom
sorry about that

didn't make myself clear :)

but you did understand what I asked.

Now. Doesn't this have conergance for the sides? What monitor is this btw?
figgie said:
sorry about that
Now. Doesn't this have conergance for the sides? What monitor is this btw?
what do you mean "convergance for the sides"? sorry, i don't have the best CRT vocabulary. There is no option to change the convergance on the sides if thats what you mean.

Its an IBM P260

did you try to degaus your screen?

Sometimes that helps bring it within spec. Still looking to see how many convergence zones that monitor has.
figgie said:

did you try to degaus your screen?

Sometimes that helps bring it within spec. Still looking to see how many convergence zones that monitor has.
yes i did, it helped a bit. Is there another monitor program you know of? I know there are some that have white lines and you can see the other colors when they are misaligned. It would be easier that way than needed to keep clicking to see how they are misaligned.