New driver pins windows and taskbar to individual monitors in NVSurround? Whaaaat???

Astral Abyss

Jun 15, 2004
This might be the best unmentioned feature of my upgrade to 680s...

This new driver locks the taskbar to only one monitor instead of spanning all 3 monitors when running NVSurround. Why has no one mentioned this? Also, now when I pin a window to the top of a monitor it only fills that individual monitor instead of stretching it across all 3 monitors. You heard that correctly. I can now actually open 3 windows in about 3 seconds instead of manually trying to fit them to my screens and having them slide around when I go back to them after playing a game.

Thank you Nvidia. I'm crying tears of joy!!

Edit: This is on WHQL 301.10

And a question: Can we assume this will affect all Nvidia cards once they move to the 300 series drivers?
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Does this also work with the Steam window? It's notorious for ignoring window management tweaks like this...
This is good to know. I had been wondering about just this sort of thing in my consideration of whether to go with AMD or Nvidia for my new system.
This was mentioned on the nvidia forums last week as a feature of the 300 series of drivers. Manuel said that it will be in the drivers for all surround cards when the driver is released for them some time in April. Only took them 2 years....
This is one of the best new features about the cards. You basically couldn't be in surround mode before unless you were gaming, and it got pretty annoying going back and forth.
I love this new feature, blows Eyefinity away! It even keeps the bezel corrected resolution seperate for gaming and it's much easier to setup bezels on Surround than Eyefinity.
This "feature" has been available for a while using Matrox powerdesk but it certainly will be nice to have it in by default.
Odd, my eyefinity setup has my taskbar only in the middle :confused:

Maybe it's my Acer display management that's doing it?
This might be the best unmentioned feature of my upgrade to 680s...

This new driver locks the taskbar to only one monitor instead of spanning all 3 monitors when running NVSurround. Why has no one mentioned this? Also, now when I pin a window to the top of a monitor it only fills that individual monitor instead of stretching it across all 3 monitors. You heard that correctly. I can now actually open 3 windows in about 3 seconds instead of manually trying to fit them to my screens and having them slide around when I go back to them after playing a game.

Thank you Nvidia. I'm crying tears of joy!!

Edit: This is on WHQL 301.10

And a question: Can we assume this will affect all Nvidia cards once they move to the 300 series drivers?

OK, that's actually really awesome and something I've been wanting to see since Eyefinity / NV Surround came out.