new egg

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Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2004
i wanted to post this in the general section but couldnt for some reason i am blocked from making new posts dont know why so i decided to put here because it gets the most looks.

the new egg ad at the top of the page has an actual customer testimonial and wanted to say that it is real and not made up like alot of other companies do. new egg is a great company to deal with for those of you that dont know yet.

i was just talking to him ( hes a friend of mine -- clan mate) and told him to visit this site and sign up.
Yes it is I "ImaFoolRu12" It is a pleasure to be honored here on the forums during my fifteen minutes of fame I will be signing books this weekend at your local book store so come on down and meet NewEggs latest Celebrity! ohh yeah bring a book and pen with you..

Thank you! Thank you! and Good Night! :eek:
I find it highly amusing that Newegg would propose someone called "I'm a fool are you one too" as being someone who gives good buying advice.

I've probably placed like 10 orders with Newegg over the last year and I've been happy with all of them. If I didn't have prior knowledge of the company though, I would have thought that banner advert was a big joke.
tamislan said:
If I didn't have prior knowledge of the company though, I would have thought that banner advert was a big joke.
Agreed. They really need to change that...
It would be a different story if your name was up there now wouldnt it? Dont rain on my parade..let me experiance my 15 minutes of Fame.. come on fellas :rolleyes:
um yes it is him.
i was here reading up and happened to see the banner. i asked him about it and had him come to the site and look at it. he told me that they asked for his permission to use his review.
rabiddawgs said:
i wanted to post this in the general section but couldnt for some reason i am blocked from making new posts dont know why so i decided to put here because it gets the most looks.

the new egg ad at the top of the page has an actual customer testimonial and wanted to say that it is real and not made up like alot of other companies do. new egg is a great company to deal with for those of you that dont know yet.

i was just talking to him ( hes a friend of mine -- clan mate) and told him to visit this site and sign up.

The reason you can't post in there is because you didn't pay. Its a subscription forum, but then you didn't read the Rules ;)

rabiddawgs said:
i wanted to post this in the general section but couldnt for some reason i am blocked from making new posts dont know why so i decided to put here because it gets the most looks.
This has nothing to do with video cards. As mentioned, General Mayhem is a subscription forum.

The Rules

(2) No OFF-TOPIC posting will be allowed with the exception of the PREMIUM FORUM area. If general conversation is what you seek, you have found a new home
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