New ET:QW screenshots

this game is becoming very interesting, i have not seen hype like this since UT2003 was coming out with its then amazing graphics
AMD_Gamer said:
this game is becoming very interesting, i have not seen hype like this since UT2003 was coming out with its then amazing graphics

Were you in a cave when HL2 or Doom 3 were announced/pre-release? :p
Cant wait to get this, looks like its a thousand times better than bf 2(graphics and gameplay)
damn and on the doom 3 engine, too. looks radically different from doom 3 you can't really tell it's the same engine.
ScreamingBroccoli said:
I don't see why people equate engines to similar graphics. I mean look at the various unreal engines. Here is a list of released games that use it
XIII, ut2k4 and Splinter cell all on the same engine yet very different graphicly. Heck, even some harry potter games used the unreal engine...

I believe all of the harry potter games do
L1ght said:
Cant wait to get this, looks like its a thousand times better than bf 2(graphics and gameplay)

graphics != gameplay. but d*mn! Not bad for a corridor engine eh? :p

Wonder what the Doom3 engine naysayers are saying now? :cool:
I've always despised the net side of the BF engines. Let's hope they pull off something good with this game.
Hmph. Looks like I'll have to reconsider the notion that the D3 engine is inferior to Source.
ScreamingBroccoli said:
I don't see why people equate engines to similar graphics. I mean look at the various unreal engines. Here is a list of released games that use it
XIII, ut2k4 and Splinter cell all on the same engine yet very different graphicly. Heck, even some harry potter games used the unreal engine...

Yeha, but the engine has been through various upgrades...unreal 2.0...etc....

theNoid said:
This is for the 360 ?

Nope, PC.
Its coming out for 360 as well, just not at the same time as the Pc version. Or so i've heard. Doesn't matter, the PC version is the ONLY version to get :p
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Its coming out for 360 as well, just not at the same time as the Pc version. Or so i've heard. Doesn't matter, the PC version is the ONLY version to get :p

QFT. I hope that I can play this game at med-highish settings at 1024x768 :p
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Its coming out for 360 as well, just not at the same time as the Pc version. Or so i've heard. Doesn't matter, the PC version is the ONLY version to get :p

Haha......way to squeeze in that last comment..... ;)

Those screenies look absolutely amazing. I can't wait for this game - as someone else said, it will probably blow BF2 out of the water.
Oh wow...just wow! If its that good of a game and it gains popularity in leagues/the like, I might just overhaul...
Khaydarin said:
Haha......way to squeeze in that last comment..... ;)

Those screenies look absolutely amazing. I can't wait for this game - as someone else said, it will probably blow BF2 out of the water.

:p I just want to test out my X1900XTX !! :D
I kinda can't wait to see that at eighty frames per second...

I noticed in a movie that was coined actual gameplay, there were facial expressions, defensive posture, etc... that seemed to be almost controlled by an AI. In other words, the AI wasn't controlling the player, just certain expressions or things like raising the players arm to defend himself from an incoming melee attack... Can anyone confirm or dismiss this?
whoa, good thing I didn't waste money on upgrading my PC for Battlefield 2... I'm definately going to upgrade for this, however.

Battlefield 2 killer indeed.
hell i'd buy it for a screensaver, which is probably what'll itll run like on my poor lowly 6800u.
If It runs on the doom 3 engine I cant see it being too much more demanding that Doom3/Quake 4, might push the ram and cpu a little more cause of the larger environments.
I think this game is just going to prove how good of a game/engine BF2 really is myself. Graphics aren't everything, and I have never once had an issue with lag (as in netcode or video) with BF2.
Focker said:
I think this game is just going to prove how good of a game/engine BF2 really is myself. Graphics aren't everything,

Agreed. The screenshots looks great. Says nothing about how it will play. Or even how it will look in game. Saying it's a BF2 killer after seeing 10 screenshots is way premature. BF2 would still be a great game at 800x600 because of how tight the gameplay is.
BF2's lag is especially annoying in that it can lag when you simply move the view around with the mouse. Never seen this in any other MP FPS.
Volume said:
BF2's lag is especially annoying in that it can lag when you simply move the view around with the mouse. Never seen this in any other MP FPS.

That's a computer problem, not a BF2 problem.
This game is going to be amazing. MyIS will be opening another tourney for it like they have for BF2 and whatnot.
Well its official, this is on my games to get list this year. So far I have HL2: Episode 1, Unreal 2007, S.T.A.L.K.E.R(if it ever comes this year..), Duke Nukem: Forever(If this also comes this year) and UT2007.
Sly said:
Wonder what the Doom3 engine naysayers are saying now? :cool:

We're saying you're probably going to need SLI X1900's to run it at anything above 20fps...
Well - that's possible.. only time will tell... I have a feeling it will not be too bad.. I doubt it will be any worse than FEAR is at current.. a 7800GT can run at at 1280x1024 pretty well..

SLI is for Nvidia cards, btw. but I am sure we all get the point.