New games on Windows 98

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Don't worry, it doesn't matter what OS you download pr0n in. :p

You could be worse off: you could be running ME...

Seriously, though, I believe that MS is cutting off support entirely for 98, so you might want to consider that...
Poor computer :(
Maybe the OP can play some Oregon Trail and Mathblaster on that sweet rig.
Alex A. said:
Poor computer :(
Maybe the OP can play some Oregon Trail and Mathblaster on that sweet rig.

Man, I remember playing that on my 386! IIRC, it ran in DOS. haha
apparently the passer-by posters, the ones that don't read the thread... fail to see where the OP said he was loading win2k along with 98 - so no reason to bash like you've been :-/
I think he needs to stop complaining and just install XP. Seriously, get over it, 98 sucks. Go out and purchase XP or go buy a Mac its that simple.
Nonsense said:
go buy a Mac its that simple.

Now this is a suggestion. If the OP is into everything "just working the way he wants it to" he'll find solace in a Mac. I've yet to have the pleasure of dealing with a nicer operating system that OS X.
CEpeep said:
Now this is a suggestion. If the OP is into everything "just working the way he wants it to" he'll find solace in a Mac. I've yet to have the pleasure of dealing with a nicer operating system that OS X.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Mac? No Thanks!
Anthony903 said:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Mac? No Thanks!

Compatibility? No Thanks. Like I Said, you have 2 options.

1. Install XP and never have software compatibility issues again (well if you do it shouldnt involve the OS)

2. Purchase a Mac, do everything you need to do and play a couple of games without issue.

The call is yours, simply saying you cannot stay with Windows 98 forever.
OP: Hey, forum people, I'm running a horribly outdated OS that can't play the games I want. Does anyone have a really obscure and difficult hack to make it work?
Forum: Why are you running a horribly outdated OS on a modern machine? Are you brain damaged?
OP: Because it does everything I want a computer to do!
Forum: But wait; you just said...
OP: You see, I am a rugged iconoclast, far smarter than any of the people who design hardware and write software. I use an OS that makes 65% use of my hardware so I can save the bloat of an OS that would use 95%, thus saving my system -30% in many of you can claim that? Huh? How many? Add in the benefits of an OS that won't be patched the next time a vulnerability is found (and you know some little troll is sitting on a nasty one, waiting for the support to end) and I think you know where I'm coming from. So how about you guys lay off my obviously superior choice of OS and help me hack the install so I can run a game the way it was never intended by the, set and match!
O[H]-Zone said:
OP: Hey, forum people, I'm running a horribly outdated OS that can't play the games I want. Does anyone have a really obscure and difficult hack to make it work?
Forum: Why are you running a horribly outdated OS on a modern machine? Are you brain damaged?
OP: Because it does everything I want a computer to do!
Forum: But wait; you just said...
OP: You see, I am a rugged iconoclast, far smarter than any of the people who design hardware and write software. I use an OS that makes 65% use of my hardware so I can save the bloat of an OS that would use 95%, thus saving my system -30% in many of you can claim that? Huh? How many? Add in the benefits of an OS that won't be patched the next time a vulnerability is found (and you know some little troll is sitting on a nasty one, waiting for the support to end) and I think you know where I'm coming from. So how about you guys lay off my obviously superior choice of OS and help me hack the install so I can run a game the way it was never intended by the, set and match!

Haha!! Now, THAT'S funny. :D
O[H]-Zone said:
OP: Hey, forum people, I'm running a horribly outdated OS that can't play the games I want. Does anyone have a really obscure and difficult hack to make it work?
Forum: Why are you running a horribly outdated OS on a modern machine? Are you brain damaged?
OP: Because it does everything I want a computer to do!
Forum: But wait; you just said...
OP: You see, I am a rugged iconoclast, far smarter than any of the people who design hardware and write software. I use an OS that makes 65% use of my hardware so I can save the bloat of an OS that would use 95%, thus saving my system -30% in many of you can claim that? Huh? How many? Add in the benefits of an OS that won't be patched the next time a vulnerability is found (and you know some little troll is sitting on a nasty one, waiting for the support to end) and I think you know where I'm coming from. So how about you guys lay off my obviously superior choice of OS and help me hack the install so I can run a game the way it was never intended by the, set and match!
I second that opinion. Honestly, it's funny how Anthony recieves advice from 500 people who are obviously more knowledgable than himself and he still refuses to even consider it.
Personally Anthony, I think you are either a troll or someone with an IQ of 70 who somehow figured out how to operate a computer. If a crippling software vulnerability finds its way into your system, I won't feel the least bit sorry for you.
He certainly got a rise out of me. His thread is 4 pages worth of us telling him to just get xp and stop acting like he's so goddamn poor (if he was, he wouldn't have a decent rig). The other page's worth is of him glorifying himself in the light that he is the microsoft anarchist who uses microsoft's old product.
Monkey_feces said:
I second that opinion. Honestly, it's funny how Anthony recieves advice from 500 people who are obviously more knowledgable than himself and he still refuses to even consider it.
Personally Anthony, I think you are either a troll or someone with an IQ of 70 who somehow figured out how to operate a computer. If a crippling software vulnerability finds its way into your system, I won't feel the least bit sorry for you.

see... but he did listen and he got win2k - so everybody stop hounding him haha.
I tried to play wow with a mac once. Damn... I wish I had two buttons on the mouse! (I know you can support 2 button mouse but the mac owner didn't have one) :D
Dapperdan said:
I think he is just a troll trying to get a rise out of people

Yeah, but he's right about the Mac thing :D

(actually I'd buy a Mac for my wife if they were cheaper, but they're just not practical for me)
Man you guys are a riot! I love reading all of your posts. But 98 does everything I want, games aren't a priority for me. I have a second hard drive I wasn't using so I put 2k on there in case I got the urge to play any newer games. :D :D :p

I just don't understand why others have the right to dictate when I upgrade my OS. Yes, I realize I can't run 98 forever, but I'm getting away with it now, so I'm gonna enjoy it while I can!
Anthony903 said:
*Back to topic* Anyone hear of this? I know there's some kind of way around this message.

Why do you still have windows98? They just ended all support for it, so its definatly time to update!!!
Some people are still stuck in the 90's. Do you still have a mullet too? :eek:
Anthony903 said:
I just don't understand why others have the right to dictate when I upgrade my OS. Yes, I realize I can't run 98 forever, but I'm getting away with it now, so I'm gonna enjoy it while I can!

this is what your driving on

this is what the rest of us drive on

both roads get you there, the question is, do you want a smooth ride or a bumby one?
I notice the only topic the OP has posted in is this topic.

I bet he made a win 98 partition of a good pc so that he can be a troll and troll Hardforum...

Either way it goes, the guy is TOO COOL for a guy getting bashed by everyone, which sorta screams troll. If I made an honest post and got bashed by everyone, I'd eventually leave. If I made a post to troll and get funny responses from people, I'd keep posting.

The guy is a troll, let the topic die.
Newsboys2004 said:
I notice the only topic the OP has posted in is this topic.

I bet he made a win 98 partition of a good pc so that he can be a troll and troll Hardforum...

Either way it goes, the guy is TOO COOL for a guy getting bashed by everyone, which sorta screams troll. If I made an honest post and got bashed by everyone, I'd eventually leave. If I made a post to troll and get funny responses from people, I'd keep posting.

The guy is a troll, let the topic die.

BTW, next time you wanna troll, say your gonna run games on Windows ME or Windows 95 instead of 98. It would make it funnier.
Newsboys2004 said:
BTW, next time you wanna troll, say your gonna run games on Windows ME or Windows 95 instead of 98. It would make it funnier.

What's a troll? People were asking me why I was still running 98 and I just wanted to explain it to them from my point of view. Good day!
Anthony903 said:
I just don't understand why others have the right to dictate when I upgrade my OS.

No one does, any more than you have the right to dictate what OS developers choose for their programs to be compatible with.

If you're going to use an old operating system that has been declared obsolete by the developers of the OS, you can't expect people to bend over backwards to make things work for you. The world has moved on.

I'm gonna stop feeding the troll now.
hes made his bed, now just let him lie in it. hes obviously a Moron. If he was smart he would atleast upgrade to 2k. Perfectly stable and still gets updates and at the same time doesnt resource hog like xp. And just thought id mention that u can severly tweak and fix xp so that it doesnt hog for crap. And yes fedorca core 5 and cedega is probably better than running winxp if u can get all the games working!!

let me know how ure doing getting q4 to work on atari
So here's what I don't understand. Isn't the whole point of posting questions on these forums to find out an answer from someone who may know. If you don't know then just admit it, there is no need to say something about the os. Really how does it affect you? It DOESN'T Don't you understand the power of microsoft. When they can get companies to not support older os's, they are forcing you to upgrade and what does that mean? More money to them. :eek: If he wants to run Windows 98 so be it, nobody is making you run 98. You can be damn sure that if I knew how to do it, I would have told him so a LONG time ago. And as for those of you who say that he is not using the computer parts well[ you'd be suprised. My dad is using windows98 on one of his computers still and let me tell you something if you actually know something about computers you'd be amazed at the tweaks you can make to have everything running to the best of it's ability.
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