New gaming monitor


Limp Gawd
Feb 16, 2007
Interested in purchasing a new gaming monitor.

Price is not an issue. Im looking for the best monitor(s) on the market.

Trying to decide if I want to go Nvidia surround, or just 1 really good high quality 120hz monitor. Opinions on both sides of this are most welcome.

The current new setup is as follows:

CPU: I5-3570K
Mobo: Asus P8Z77-V Deluxe
Memory: 4x4 GB G.skill DDR3 2133 Ripjaws
PSU: Corsair HX850
Case: Coolermaster HAF XM
Cooling: Thermaltake Extreme 2.0 on the CPU, Stock on the GPU but considering doing the OCN mod and throwing either a Corsair H60 or similar cooler on there. Maybe...maybe not....

Model/Make advice appreciated. IF I decide to go Nvidia surround I might get another 680, unless this one single card can handle it. Again....not sure....

Im pretty fluent with computer hardware, but out of the computer "arena" since s775. That being said Im a COMPLETE monitor nublet. I really dont even know the different between TN/IPS/TFT panels or whatever so...

Basically advice on a new gaming monitor, or 3 for Nvidia surround appreciated.

Best bet would be to start by deciding how important is for you to have good viewing angles.
TN panels and IPS panels are the 2 options which might be viable in your case. However they both have trade offs. If I had enough money I would definitely go with an ips, or wait for some very good 120 hz ips panels to come to the market. Sacrificing viewing angles for an 120 hz tn panel is not worth imo.
I was in your shoes for a long while as I was trying to upgrade from 3x 21" Sony Trinitrons. I waited so long (didn't have the money) that I was no longer a truly serious gamer and went with a single Korean 27". I will say that the IPS panels are the only thing I was looking at b/c of the TN angle issues that I really don't like. I ended up with a single as I didn't have the money to buy three and upgrade my whole system to drive all three. Also I am currently into a few games that don't support 3 monitors so that basically ended my problem. I prefer the glossy screens over the AG, but if you don't either play in the dark or can move your monitor/light source so that you don't see the reflections the glossy can be bad.

Here are some key features you need to decide on:
Glossy or AG
Size vs Surround

Once you have an idea of what you want you check out some of the review sites and get an idea of what you are going to get.
I'm a gamer first, everything else second and I won't touch an IPS monitor. Sure I guess I'm missing out on prettier pictures and better viewing angles but I can't stand ghosting/motion blur in fast action games. So I stick to 120hz LCD monitors. As far as viewing angle issues, I sit in front of my monitor and don't notice any issues.

So, like cerbul says it all depends on whats important to you.

couple review sites to checkout..
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I can't sing the praises of the Samsung 120hz panels highly enough. I have the S27A950, it's 120hz (massive difference in gaming especially FPS games), clear panel without rubbish AG coating and 1080p. It's also 3D if you care about that. Using out of the box settings with a minor tweak you can get the colour reproduction almost perfect.

Of all the panels I've used, it's the one that is most pleasing to my eyes. I had a Dell U3011 for a few days, I liked my Samsung much better. I will NEVER own a 60hz or a panel with strong AG again. Once you've used a 120hz clear/semi-glossy panel it's very hard to go back to 60hz AG.

The only drawback to the Samsung it that it uses a TN panel which means the usual issues with viewing angles. Some guys report backlight bleed on these models too.

Can't wait for a 30" or 32" equivilant... hopefully Apple's "retina" silliness will drive LG and the likes to make some larger, higher res panels.My dream would be 37" at some silly high resolution like 3840x2000 or similar.

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Both tn and ips panels still have motion blur so is more like a matter of how much of it you can take.
In terms of performance neither of them will allow you to spot an enemy that is far away while you are on the move. Also text and details are still close to unreadable when on the move. What I can do say is that in Diablo 3 you can read the text of the items on the ground while moving on a tn better then you can do it on an ips. However, the difference is so small that if you compare the reading of that text between 24 inch tn and 27 inch ips, the 27 inch ips will win.
If you work a lot on your computer and you do care about your eyes I would strongly sugest against 60hz tn panels. Haven' t seen an 120hz one but I can only say that ips still has better clarity making it more easy to read. So in other words, is not only viewing angles that moves me away from tn but also the fact that everything is looking washed out on a 60 hz tn, causing me eye strain..
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