New HardOCP Thread

Needs smaller fonts in the News section.

Should have used an expanding frame setup for width rather then just keeping it static sized.

Other than that it looks great :cool:
Kyle, Cliff, and John, and whoever else did the redesign, it looks great, I really don't have any griefs with it. Great job, guys!!
I gotta say who ever did this site is really good. i really like the new look. Way to go and 2 thumbs way way up!
THAT is fucking FANTASTIC!

Great work guys! You must have been up all night. It was probably a lot of work in the making, but boy oh boy does it look awesome!!
The redesign looks absolutely beautiful!

The new layout, in my eyes, makes sense. Having the news / review titles as clickable items really makes navigating much easier.

The one main observation I have is the load time. The new layout seems to load a bit faster than before.

Great job to everyone involved! :)
teckgood said:
It looks like there's an ad sitting on top of something in Safari. I'm not sure where to click to find specific hardware reviews, maybe that is what is hidden by the ad.

Here's a shot of an article:

i already posted that in the genmay thread about this

while digging in the CSS i found this as well as what may be causing the problem
/* This shit is temp, and also BANANAS. B A N A N A S. */
looks as good as i remember seeing it before, can't see any problems with any of the sites in firefox

btw, the guy who did the design (haiku, at least i think that was who was doing it) said he'd do a write up on how he did it, is he still going to do that...i would really like to read how he created all of this. Especially since i looked at the source code just a couple of minutes ago and it looks....interesting to say the least.
I like the new layout of the home page. real nice.
no problems here or at networking class.
Looks great Kyle, I love the different sections that are available. Good job Mike :D
4b5eN+EE said:
i already posted that in the genmay thread about this

while digging in the CSS i found this as well as what may be causing the problem
/* This shit is temp, and also BANANAS. B A N A N A S. */

No, I dont believe a comment is the problem. If you notice it generating errors in some banner include, my guess is its either related to high traffic or the ad file is missing/corrupt.
I really like the new look.

I cant get it to display widescreen anymore, FF or IE ? The forum still comes up wide screen, but the Front Page is a thin strip in the middle. Is their a setting I'm missing??

Maybe its just me or some optical illusion but the font color for the news titles looks a little too orange to me. Doesn't seem like the same color as before, probably isn't, wish it was. I guess it will just take some time to get used to.
Only thing I kind of got used to(and hoping that it'll go back somehow :D) that got remove is the 1 2 3 4.... edition separators...

All in all the new look makes it [H]ard-er
Very cool site! In the sneek-peek a few months back though, wasn't there a faint grid pattern in the background, almost Tron-esque? I liked that a lot, but it might be just because I am a Tron fanatic.
Wonderful job folks!
inotocracy said:
No, I dont believe a comment is the problem. If you notice it generating errors in some banner include, my guess is its either related to high traffic or the ad file is missing/corrupt.
i did't say it was, i said:
while digging in the CSS i found this(meaning the comment) as well as what may be causing the problem

i just didn't bother to post what may be causing it, since i already did in genmay, and it really only matters to kyle (and safari users) since he is the one that needs to fix it

note: i also never got those banner include errors, i only found out what was behind the ad by blocking (then unblocking after) the ad...
My eyes are crap. I have my font pretty big, at like 16. I find that the links to the hforum..etc... next to the menu button, are kinda small they are worded small.

I find that a bit difficult to read.
I love the new design! It looks a lot more professional than the old one. Nice work guys. :)
The look is great! The only two things I've noted so far that I don't care for: fixed width front page and when you cllick multiple links they open in the same target window. I usually like to click the link to an article and immediately go back to [H] and continue clicking article links.. When I've read the whole front page I start clicking through the windows to read the articles I found intersting. So please have all clicks open in a new window or have a control panel option for it.
lol bananas o.o

Nice new look btw
I like the color scheme of "Console" section best.
Hello, I am responsible for the new design. I wanted to explain a few decisions so people have something to refer to as I know these comments will keep coming up.

On Fixed Width and Font Sizes:
The first decision that was made when approaching the new design was do we make the site relative (liquid...scaling...whatever) width or a fixed width. I had said right away that the new site would be marked up in semantic xHTML and the layout purely driven by CSS. Because of the intense ad real estate, and the lack of clarity in exactly how content would respond to the new markup, it was decided to make the site fixed width.

Basically it comes down to the fact that going fixed width makes development easier. Because there was also a new back-end being integrated, we wanted to try and cut down on how many issues we would have to resolve so we could launch an actual project some day. Having a predictable layout is very important when trying to do so much new stuff at once. A relative layout driven through CSS is incredibly bug prone, and i have done several of them on enterprise level sites so I speak from experience. The vast majority of [H] readers are using resolutions like 1280 or 1024x768 so the new site fits about perfect for them.

That Said:
In the future I am going to be making little buttons on the masthead that will toggle the site to relative width, and toggle the font sizes between a few sizes. Now that we have the new site up and are getting day by day proof that the layout is working, we can move forward with expanding it to meet the needs of more people. I don't have a time frame for when this will be done, but I am guessing around spring/summer.

The great thing about this new design is that I have much more control over the layout and how things work without having to change any mark-up. The beauty of CSS. I'll be checking this thread here and there today so if you have any questions, by all means.
Add my vote to the "fixed width BLOWS" crowd. There can't be many hardware enthusiasts running at a resolution painfully low enough to make the page full width.

Looks good otherwise.
Its very nice looking. I'm not a big fan of fixed width sites. Especially when viewing on a larger screen, just doesnt seem right to me, seems like I'm getting less. But overall its very nice, much more clean than I thought the new design would be. Cant wait to see how the different sections come together and get their own unique news and items.
Scrolling is very choppy in Opera and the CPU usage of the new HardOCP is very high. In IE CPU usage is still high (spiking at 81% without any scrolling) though scrolling is smoother. This is the type of site that would make me want ad blocking software. What are essentially flash videos playing on all sides of the content are highly obtrusive.

Otherwise the site looks great and the CSS implementation offers great new functionality and more potential business for the site.
darksynth said:
What percent of your readership uses firefox? id say you best ban 95 percent of them. Get real. much of the server costs are you paying?

why shouldn't he ban people that openly display/admit to blocking this sites ads, when the only source of income they can generate is through genmay and ads...98% of which is from ads....
I click on links while i surf from here at work. At home i do use adblock. If your going to fill your site up with flash and annoying ad's, there getting blocked on my main machine. If you want to ban me for that, fine.
I have been going to this website since 2000 and I have to say it looks quite nice. THe one thing that kind of annoys me is the fact that all the buttons are so small. I liked how the forums were all up in my face in the old one. Other than that like I said before its very good
Better ban me too. I'll get my hardware news from someplace that doesn't stoop to childish bullying bullshit.
The site looks very spiffy; however, is the website only viewable at a fixed resolution? By this, what I mean is that when my window is bigger than the "fixed resolution", the page sits in the middle with just black on either side. On the other hand, the old site would fill up any browser I used, regardless of resolution - much easier to read on bigger monitors.

On a better note, HardOCP is still my main source for news, and the reason why I know of other great enthusiast websites. So in general, keep up the good work!