New HD Problem - Slow 'loading' times of heavily populated folders


Jan 13, 2002
Hello everyone.
I have tried and tried, but cant seem to find a solution/answer to my problem so I figured I would ask everyone here.

My problem is this.
I had a 200GB maxtor ATA133 drive connected to SATA thru a PATA-SATA converter that I used to store "My Documents" folder and all my music (around 100GB) etc.. but over X-Mas I found a good deal on a Maxtor 250GB SATA drive so I transferred everything over.

Now I organize all my music etc.. in the 'My Music' folder by Artist Name/Album/Tracks and view everything in list format.
With the old 200GB PATA I could open the 'My Music' folder and it would take ~2sec to show the directory (all Artist name folders), but with the new 250GB SATA, it takes around ~45seconds to list.
Now.. if it only took this long once or twice in a day not so bad, but this happens every time I go into a specific artist folder, then back to main etc.. so it takes me a ton of time to go thru my music collecion (I am in the process of updating tags, etc..).

I tried looking at the folder options, but I cant seem to find the problem.

So... if anyone has any ideas as to a setting I need to do (cache, XP tweak etc..) I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance, and ALL suggestions are welcome.

If you haven't defragged, you might give it a shot, but I think the biggest impact would come from turning on Drive Indexing:

From My Computer > right-click on the C: Drive > select Properties.
Check "Allow Indexing Service to index this disk for fast file searching." Apply changes to "C: sub folders and files," and click OK.

You might also try increasing your folder cache size:

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam
change BagMRU to 1388. This will change the number of cached folders from 400 to 5000.
Thanks for the reply.
I have done a couple of defrags, so I will make sure indexing is on (I believe it is) then I will will do the reg edit.

Will post back tonight and let you know

Ok, just checked and the BagMRU is already at 1388 (5000) and file indexing is on.
Any more suggestions?
