New headphones help


Limp Gawd
Feb 27, 2005
I know I know....this question has been asked a thousand times but Im still clueless of what to get after reading the other headphones posts. So you might flame me but I still need help on some selection.

My budget is around $200. Im using the Xfi extrememusic and I will be using the headphones to play CSS and listening to music. Please recommend a pair that will be good without the need for amplification and have a good bass output and good sound clarity. What is the difference between open air sound and closed? I know this is taboo in the world of higher end headphones but would you guys even come close to recommending headsets with mics? Thanks for all your help.
I would recommend the Sennheiser HD595. One of the most comfortable headphones around, low impedance (so an amp is not necessary), great soundstage for gaming, extended bass (a bit lacking in impact but still make explosions and gunfire very satisfying), nice clear, non fatigueing highs. I have used them personally with an Audigy 2 zs platinum and they are great for gaming and are considered to be entry level audiophile headphones for music. They do not isolate sound coming in or out though so they are best used in quieter environments. They are within your budget if you look around on ebay or some other online stores.

About the mic, get a separate clip on mic or desktop kind.
Cousin Patty said:
I would recommend the Sennheiser HD595. One of the most comfortable headphones around, low impedance (so an amp is not necessary), great soundstage for gaming, extended bass (a bit lacking in impact but still make explosions and gunfire very satisfying), nice clear, non fatigueing highs. I have used them personally with an Audigy 2 zs platinum and they are great for gaming and are considered to be entry level audiophile headphones for music. They do not isolate sound coming in or out though so they are best used in quieter environments. They are within your budget if you look around on ebay or some other online stores.

About the mic, get a separate clip on mic or desktop kind.

I agree. some Senn HD595's are the way to go. You can get them new from amazon for $180 shipped
A900's that I've heard done have the bass for games, some open $200 cans like the HD595's are better for that. That being said, I have both for sale for $140 each ($250 for both) here . :)
Im seriously looking into the Senn595. What is the advantage of having open air design versus closed? Which is better for gaming? Which is better for bass?
NHT said:
Im seriously looking into the Senn595. What is the advantage of having open air design versus closed? Which is better for gaming?

You will find that more audiophile cans are open as opposed to closed (high end Sennheiser, AKG etc...). There exceptions however. Some of the high end Audio Technica headphones are closed. An advantage to an open set of cans is that they will let your ears breathe more and will overall give a more preferable tone as a result of the sound waves not being trapped in the can. As for which is better for gaming, neither is better or worse for gaming. It just depends what kind of environment you'll be in when you do your gaming. If you normally game in a quite room then an open set of headphones will be fine. If the room you game in is loud or noisy, getting a closed can like the ATH A900's would probably be preferable.
Closed cans keep sound in and sound out, means if you live in a noisy area where there's distracting noises closed is good for isolation and privacy, if you are listening to something it will isolate the sound so that they don't hear what you are listening to, and will keep most of the outside noise out. At this moment My aunt is talking loudly on the phone wich is making me angry, and at this moment I wish I still had my old closed cans (Cheapo KOSS $25 set closed with the leather like thing that wrapped around your ears. I have listened to Open cans also, they let exterior noise in, they let your ears breather, and they are more comfortable, better for exteneded listening and not so loud apartments. Ppl around will be able to tell what you are listening to, in my oppinion they sound a bit better because audio waves are not locked in bouncing around they have somewhere to go to. Wich one you choose depends on your necessity, as for the Sennheiser 595 they are a nice set, they work well with and without amp, amped will definitely push better sound but if your budget is a bit limited you can always run them unamped. One advice, once you get them outta the box they will not sound good at all, after a good break in period of 1-3weeks you will hear a big difference, try not to crank them too high so you can break em in evenly. Good luck, as for me I'm still deciding. Sennheiser HD650 and amp, my friend is gonna bring over his AKG over when he comes from vacation so I can try them, I also like how the audio technica look but I still haven't listened to one yet.
Sennheiser 595, perhaps the greatest value in headphones IMO, such great sound without an amp, and improves with one as well.

Also is a great place to ask questions of this nature, while it is not a computer/gamer related forum there are many regulars that are gamers, myself included.
well. IVe also looked at the Senn hd555 and for significantly less money. Are the 595's worth the extra dough to shell out for? How close are they in sound quality or is it a night and day difference?

ALso, before looking into higher end headphones, I was also considering getting the senn pc155 because it does include a mic which would be really convenient for me. Does the sound from these even compare with the 595's and 555's? Thanks again for all your help
NHT said:
well. IVe also looked at the Senn hd555 and for significantly less money. Are the 595's worth the extra dough to shell out for? How close are they in sound quality or is it a night and day difference?

ALso, before looking into higher end headphones, I was also considering getting the senn pc155 because it does include a mic which would be really convenient for me. Does the sound from these even compare with the 595's and 555's? Thanks again for all your help

You know, that is a very good question. I do not have a definite answer for you, but I've always thought "How much of a difference could 'real' headphones possibly make? Could these 'gaming' headsets really be that bad?" But I've had over 8 different gaming headsets and every single one of them left me wanting for more. I finally ordered the Audio Technica A500's last Sunday, so hopefully I'll hear what the rage is all about with some REAL headphones next week.
NHT said:
ALso, before looking into higher end headphones, I was also considering getting the senn pc155 because it does include a mic which would be really convenient for me. Does the sound from these even compare with the 595's and 555's? Thanks again for all your help

I own a pair of PC150s, and they are decent but don't expect anything extraordinary. Don't expect them to compete with HD595s...
I haven't even used my speakers for my computer since i got my 595's. (actually, i boxed them back I don't think you can really go wrong with the headphones mentioned, but the 595's are the only ones i have any real experience with. Good sound, (better with age) comfortable, and are the best phones i've gotten so far in that price range. But just my 2 cents though.... :p
kamxam said:
I haven't even used my speakers for my computer since i got my 595's. (actually, i boxed them back I don't think you can really go wrong with the headphones mentioned, but the 595's are the only ones i have any real experience with. Good sound, (better with age) comfortable, and are the best phones i've gotten so far in that price range. But just my 2 cents though.... :p

I'm exactly the same way! I boxed up my 5.1 set when I got my Senn HD595's
Ok...before I make the jump and order the 595's. I have to ask this question....Senn 595 or 580's. Ive heard that the 580's are more favored than the 595's? Anyone have experience with the two? Wow...this is such a hard decision. I listen to mostly electronica music so i would like some cans with nice bass punch as well as smooth lows. Any other brands that would be recommended? I need to get some soon.
The HD580s are much better cans if you have an amp.
And only if you have an amp. ;)

I would not classify the bass on either the HD580's or HD595s as punchy.... you may want to audition some Beyers if that is a priority.
which beyers are you referring to? I dont have the luxury of auditioning headphones so I have to go into my purchase with your recommendations. With the Beyers strong bass, is there a tradeoff somewhere? Are the mids and highs as good as the Senns?
NHT said:
which beyers are you referring to? I dont have the luxury of auditioning headphones so I have to go into my purchase with your recommendations. With the Beyers strong bass, is there a tradeoff somewhere? Are the mids and highs as good as the Senns?
Mids and highs are slightly recessed on the DT770pro's (especially compared to grado). It's also a slightly different sound altogether from the Senn's. Sadly, you have to try both of them out to know which you will prefer. We can not know for certain what you will find better. Comfort won't be a worry on either.
Ignorance can be bliss, and if either of these headphones are your introduction to high end audio, they'll put a smile on your face.