New iPhone & iPod Touch Models

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Apple just announced a new 32GB iPod Touch and a 16GB iPhone. You know, it happens every time, doesn’t it? You buy a new iPod Touch and the next week they announce a better one. Not that that just happened to me or anything. Ouch.

Pricing & Availability The new 16GB iPhone is available immediately for a suggested retail price of $499 (US) through the Apple Store® (, Apple’s retail stores and AT&T retail and online stores. The 32GB iPod touch is available worldwide immediately for a suggested retail price of $499 (US) through the Apple Store (, Apple’s retail stores and Apple Authorized Resellers.
That's what I get for always being a dick to Apple, they probably arrange their product cycles around the times that I buy. Doh!
:drool: 32GB iPod Touch. Too bad they don't ship with a higher resolution screen. I'd get one in a heartbeat if it was 800x480 (4") like my Nokia, or even at least 640x480. I don't want to constantly mess with zooming and horizontal scrolling just to read a web page.
:drool: 32GB iPod Touch. Too bad they don't ship with a higher resolution screen. I'd get one in a heartbeat if it was 800x480 (4") like my Nokia, or even at least 640x480. I don't want to constantly mess with zooming and horizontal scrolling just to read a web page.

It's a freaking IPOD!!!11!!one!:eek::eek::eek:
If I had one, it would either break on its own, get damaged, lost or stolen.

I'd rather spend the money on beer.
I would rather have an Ipod Touch or Classic with one of those new 320gb Drives in there..
If I had one, it would either break on its own, get damaged, lost or stolen.

I'd rather spend the money on beer.

Got an iPod Touch for my daughter, she absolutely LOVED it...and, I have to admit....I really dug on it too. The wife really liked it so we ended up getting her one... Apple releases a 32GB model. :mad:

I know it is just me. Apple, Steve Jobs and the board of directors sit around and WAIT until I buy a product and THEN they launch a newer version of what I just bought. :p
Do they not have any flash mem slots? (I dont own one)... the ability to add a 32gb SD card would rock..
It is one reason I never got infatuated with the i[InsertHere] craze. I don't get caught up in all this resentment :D I'm happy with my mp3 on my phone shindig.
Do they not have any flash mem slots? (I dont own one)... the ability to add a 32gb SD card would rock..

Nope. I wish it did because the meager capacity of the iPod Touch was one thing that prevented me from buying one. 32GB onboard is now decent, but I wouldn't shell out $500 for it.
$500 for a iPod touch....

I like the idea of more space, but that's just pushing it... 16gb IS NOT worth $150 more over the 16gb model.

Feature wise, the 1.1.3 only gives you safari (no flash), weather, maps, youtube, contacts, and mail. All of which require wi-fi. It's not like they tout the jailbreak features either so in essence what you are paying for is an overglorified touch interface. If it wasn't for the jailbreak, the ipod touch would be pretty useless compared to other mp3 players.
I love my iPods, but $500 for 32GB is just too damned much money.

This is why I went with the 160GB classic when all this was released some months back. This just reinforces my decision to do so.

The 32GB should have replaced the 16GB at $399, and the 16GB dropped to $299.
I'm only interested when the iPhone has 32GB. Until then, I still have to carry two devices.

Bob beat me to it. I want a phone to combine my mp3 player and phone but 16gb is not enough. 32gb is the minimum. Hopefully they'll come out with something in June when I can start shopping for a new phone. Also hope they put video and add a voice recorder to it by then.
If only Cowon made phones with mp3 playback... :(

Stupid no edit.

After seeing my friend's Cowon player and the quality of the playback, I was just flat out hooked. I don't remember which one his was, but man...if that thing had phone capabilities I'd buy nothing else.
Triple post, no edit/delete button on forums for the lose.

Why was that feature removed?
I was looking at the iPhone and ended up going with a Blackberry Pearl instead. I like the company more, don't have to deal with iTunes, and didn't end up being forced into a single carrier.
I was looking at the iPhone and ended up going with a Blackberry Pearl instead. I like the company more, don't have to deal with iTunes, and didn't end up being forced into a single carrier.

Ditto, my Pearl ROCKS. But.. I will buy an Large Capacity Ipod too just to stuff more music in it.. Unless Apple does something stupid like Kill of HDD based Players..
Ditto, my Pearl ROCKS. But.. I will buy an Large Capacity Ipod too just to stuff more music in it.. Unless Apple does something stupid like Kill of HDD based Players..

The new firmware updates let you add in a 4GB microSD card, and that's generally enough storage on the go for me. If you need more than that on a regular basis, then I can definitely see bringing along a HDD player.
hell i just got the htc tilt it was either the tilt or a isuckphone. really glad i went with the htc
More of the same from Apple? Now that's innovation.

Typical owner response: I love my <insert shiny sterile sheik product here that makes you more popular among intellectual pre-teens>.
Imo the iphone is really quite nice compared to other smart phones, but once Mediamonkey supports the iphone (which according to their forums is soon as it already kinda supports it now) the biggest problem with apple products, Itunes, will be a non-issue
well i was waiting for this, but still wondering when the actual generational upgrade will be, as ewll as Apple stopping being a bitch and letting people use the Iphone on other services.
oh and i forgot, for insta win:

lmao, I was just thinking of Maddox like 5 minutes before you posted that. Except, I was going to post this picture..


600$ CAD after tax.

Fuck you Apple.

It's ironic though. I just bought my 80gb classic *yesterday*
well i was gonna post the iphone keypad picture but i decided to post something without harsh language, since i never remember forum rules everywhere.
The biggest sign of your success is the number haters you can acquire. And given the number of just straight hating in this thread I'd say Apple/AT&T is doing pretty well.