"New message in subscribed thread" icon won't go away


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2004
Posted in the Genmay thread about lawnmowers this morning, and since then the thread always shows the "new message in subscribed thread" icon (this one:
). Now aside from this, it usually displays this icon for me whenever I refresh the main page after posting in a thread myself (telling me there is a new post, even though it was me), but generally, visiting that thread, and then going back to the main page gets it to show the regular "subscribed thread icon".

I know it's not really a big problem, but it's driving me nutty, and I can't figure out why on earth it would be doing this with just this one thread. Firefox on WinXP SP2, btw.

Any ideas?

Doing that with this thread now too. :confused:

The standard reply would be log out, clear your cookies, flush the DNS cache and log back in, but you already know that :D
Happens to me every once in a while and normally after a few minutes it goes away. Or if I close the browser and reopen it.
my threads show up in bold, if i've read them and it hasn't been a little whiel they still show up in new, but not bolded. i dont' even look at those little icons, not trying to strain my eyes ;) :D
my threads show up in bold, if i've read them and it hasn't been a little whiel they still show up in new, but not bolded. i dont' even look at those little icons, not trying to strain my eyes ;) :D

Same here. At first I thought it was something on my end, but it can happen at work as well if I have to close Firefox. If you close the browser, it takes some time for everything to update.