New Mid-range Gaming Rig, could use some input...


Limp Gawd
Jun 30, 2003
Howdy, it's been awhile since I've built a rig. Over 5 years. Also I just have not had time to keep up with hardware past few years, work, family, life, etc. So I'm not 100% confident with my selections. This rig really is primarily for work, but I want a decent gaming rig so I can blow some steam off! I also wanted to go with a rig that gave me some decent upgrade options, particularly with the CPU and Video. I'm not going to be OCing or certainly nothing serious, and will not be doing any SLI. I value stability and low noise.

EDIT:List updated to reflect recommendations!
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 Conroe 2.4GHz (I will upgrade this come 7/22)
MB - GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3R (seemed like P35 was the Chipset for better upgrade options and I've always read/heard good feedback on Gigabyte, should I consider Nvidias?)
VID - BFG Tech BFGR88320GTSOCE GeForce 8800GTS 320MB (going 8800 baby!)
RAM - CORSAIR XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (good lord ram is cheap!!)
HD - Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 ST3320620AS 320GB 7200 RPM SATA (I've had good luck with Seagates)
DVD - SAMSUNG 18X DVD±R DVD Burner With 12X DVD-RAM SATA Model SH-S183L (I might have to change if I can't find it in Beige)
Sound - Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer (never underestimate good sound, especially if you're gaming!)
CASE - Use current Antec case (If it doesn't cool well enough I'll get a new one)
PSU - CORSAIR CMPSU-520HX 520W (I felt this was a good PSU for the money. Is 500W adequate for my rig?)
OS - WinXP (I'm not going to Vista until I absolutely have to, certainly no sooner than SP 1 and I also have to have XP for my current work situation.)

This Rig priced at NewEgg runs at about $1350 with shipping. Which is about where I wanted to be price wise. Yes, I am going to wait until after 7/22 to purchase and which point I may upgrade the CPU. You can see my current rig specs in my sig. It's got a Seagate HD and a nice Antec case. The case has 80mm front and back fans, no side vents. Would it cool well enough to use? Thats it.

Please any and all feedback, suggestions, criticism, comments are greatly appreciated!!!

For someone who's been out of the loop, you sure picked some nice parts!

But it can be improved. First of all, the Liberty has to go. you can get much better power supplies for that money.Also, wattage does not matter as much these days. What matters most about a power supply is how and where those watts/volts are distributed. So keep that in mind. I recommend getting this power supply because it's simply a great quality power supply:

Corsair HX520 520W PSU - $100

I'll continue later on. Have to go and see Harry Potter with me girlfriend now.
CPU will probably change to an E6850 with the July 22nd price cuts/launch. That chip /should/ OC as high as 4+Ghz, if current reviews are any indication. I'd add a nice aftermarker HSF like the Scythe Ninja Plus Rev B. or Sunbeam Tuniq Tower, as well.

Moving up to an 8800GTS is a very good plan. I think you'll be disappointed by the 8600, even a GTS variant. What size/resolution is your current display?

Stay with a P35 board unless you want SLI support... which I doubt, if you're building on a budget. Consider the P35-DS3R (non "C" variant) if you want more DDR2 RAM banks (4 rather than 2 DDR2, 2 DDR3). I personally don't think DDR3 will be cost to performance effective for a while yet. It'd also save $20 or so.

I'd hold off on the X-Fi -- they're overpriced and the Vista drivers /still/ suck 7+ months after launch. There are less expensive options of comparable quality. Even the XP drivers are iffy. Also, EAX does not work at all under Vista due to the removal of DirectSound in DX10, so Creative doesn't have much of anything over other manufacturers anymore. Any OpenAL compatible card should be fine. Onboard sound has come a long, long way recently, too, so things shouldn't be too painful in the interim.

I agree with Danny that the Corsair 520HX is a good option, too.

You could reuse your current case without any real issues.
Well being 'in-the-loop' at one point does help with knowing where to go to bone-up on current hardware trends!

THANKS for the PSU suggenstion, that was the one component I was unsure about and IMO the PSU is the most important component in your rig!

Upgrading to the 8800GTS, well you can see my current rig with it's 5 year old nForce 1 chipset and 5900XT vid card... I can't believe I'd be disappointed with a 8600GTS coming from that but... there is no doubt the 8800GTS is substantially better, hmm still thinking on it. I've got an HP f1905e, it is 17in native 1280x1024 at 60mhz. I'll probably upgrade to a 19in in the future.

X-Fi, I have also heard/read that current Gen onboard sound is good. And I have a long love/hate relationship with Soundblaster and their drivers. Vista is a non-issue for me right now. On the other hand I'm picky about sound, but I agree the X-Fi is overpriced... I'll think on this one for a bit.

I agree on the case, at least give it a go. If I don't think the Antec is cooling well enough I'll just get a new case, easy fix!
With that res you should be just fine with a 8600GTS and coming from a 5900 it will be night and day. I just wouldn't have any illusions of the 8600s doing anything in DX10.

Would I recomend the 8800 over the 8600 Hell ya. But is it necessary well thats up to you but either way i think you be satisfied.
The rig is almost identical to what I am planning out. I am also coming from a nearly 5 year old system (see sig).

My budget is around $1k and this is what I'm putting together, if it helps any.

CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 - I have never built an Intel system for myself but it appears its time for a change. My AMD system has served me well!
VID - EVGA 7900GS - I don't game much and this has good performance for cheap
RAM - 2GB G.Skill DDR2 800 - pretty much the same thing
HD - Samsung 500GB - I was going to go with Seagate, but it seems Samsung/WD have the quietest drives on the market right now and that is also important to me.
DVD - SAMSUNG 18X DVD±R DVD Burner With 12X DVD-RAM SATA Model SH-S183L - probably going the same route
Sound - Using onboard
CASE - Antec P180 - one of the best cases on the market and very quiet
PSU - Corsair 520W recommended above
OS - WinXP - same, though I already have a copy

Hope that helps.
At this point I'm leaning towards going with the 8800GTS, any suggestions if I do? I'm partial to BFG due to the lifetime replacement warranty (which I took advantage of with my 5900XT), but worried about how loud it might be.

RWalker - yes we have very similar current rigs, in fact my initial build had 512 Ram and a ti4400! I built it in April 2002.

I'm gonna check out the Samsung/WD HDs, oh and what MB are your going with? I started with a $1000 initial price point and used Sharky Extreme's Value Gaming System as a starting reference point.
At this point I'm leaning towards going with the 8800GTS, any suggestions if I do? I'm partial to BFG due to the lifetime replacement warranty (which I took advantage of with my 5900XT), but worried about how loud it might be.

RWalker - yes we have very similar current rigs, in fact my initial build had 512 Ram and a ti4400! I built it in April 2002.

I'm gonna check out the Samsung/WD HDs, oh and what MB are your going with? I started with a $1000 initial price point and used Sharky Extreme's Value Gaming System as a starting reference point.

The board you've chosen is a good option. I wouldn't worry about it anymore. If you want something even nicer and can spare the cash the D6Q (all solid capacitor version) is it, but otherwise, you're doing well.

eVGA, XFX, BFG, OCZ. Go with any of them and you're fine with Nvidia cards... but don't go with /anyone/ else, regardless of price. The warranties are that much better. eVGA is a little better than the rest in that they offer cross-shipped RMAs, but the others do not. The 8800 cards are not loud at all. (this from someone coming from a Sapphire Radeon X800XT with an ATI silencer aftermarket cooler) Make sure you swap in the Corsair 520HX if you go with the 8800 GTS (the performance boost will be huge, so I'd certainly suggest you get the card) as they're a good bit more power-hungry than an 8600, but not as bad as a GTX or Ultra.

HDD-wise, I've had way too many WD drives die on me to consider them, but the Samsungs do indeed seem to be the quietest right now, and /nearly/ as fast as the Seagate 7200.10's, but with a 2 year shorter warranty.
RWalker - yes we have very similar current rigs, in fact my initial build had 512 Ram and a ti4400! I built it in April 2002.

I'm gonna check out the Samsung/WD HDs, oh and what MB are your going with? I started with a $1000 initial price point and used Sharky Extreme's Value Gaming System as a starting reference point.

Hm, don't know how I forgot about the motherboard. I'm going with a P35 chipset, so what you have is great. I'm going with something from Abit or Gigabyte probably. I haven't decided that yet.
I've linked this case before but it looks alot like what your looking at not to say that's a bad option just giveing your some more options. I used it for a build that I did for a friend of mine and it cools better and is quiter then my Antec 900. However he's got an E-6400 with a CNP9700 and X1900XTX with VF900 but his temps are much lower then mine even when I'm at stock and he's overclocked. there are several color options but you'd have to look on pricegrabber or google to find them all. T
Upgrading to the 8800GTS, well you can see my current rig with it's 5 year old nForce 1 chipset and 5900XT vid card... I can't believe I'd be disappointed with a 8600GTS coming from that but... there is no doubt the 8800GTS is substantially better, hmm still thinking on it. I've got an HP f1905e, it is 17in native 1280x1024 at 60mhz. I'll probably upgrade to a 19in in the future.

Get the GTS, you will not be dissapointed later on trying to play newer games on a 19".
If you get a new monitor, at least get one that'll give you a substantial boost in resolution, like a 20" widescreen, or even a 22". The 19" will just make the same poor quality picture bigger. ;) (Plus, the price jump from a 19" to a 20" widescreen is like... $30.)