new mobo

gwai lo

Aug 31, 2004
ok...I need to get a new mobo...not new everything. I was thinking the P4C800-E Deluxe..but it's oddly overpriced, at least to me it seems, whoa

Had some other ideas and did some reading, but a lot of the reviews and comparisons are horribly outdated. ><

Sooo....anyone got any ideas? Plan to do some mild oc'ing, as much as my PC3200 will allow, but nothing hardcore (3.0 to 3.7 anyone?).
That's a good board choice but I'd steer you towards the P4P800-Deluxe instead. The 875 chipset really doesn't outperform the 865 by any significant margin since Asus has a BIOS option in the P4P to enable PAT anyways. I have the P4P myself and have not had any overclocking issues. I run my 2.4Gz at 2.8Ghz with no voltage increase. The only real downside is the P4C gives you 2 additional SATA ports where-as the P4P would give you 2 more IDE ports. If you're not planning on going SATA on more than 2 drives it shouldn't make a difference either way.
hmm...ok cool...yeah after some more reading I was leaning towards the P4P as well...but I wasn't sure if there were any significant differences between the two chipsets. Just started googling on that too...well...anyway thanks for the input. Anyone else?