New Motherboard, Better O/C...Too Hot?


Jun 15, 2004
I splurged the other day and bought some crap I really don't need. Long story short I bought a new SLi board (or so I thought, guess it isn't), 7600GT, and a new PSU.

My old board limited my overclock to 255X9 because of the broken AGP lock. Well the board would load in the mid to up 40 degress Celcius. At 255 I had the board running at stock voltage but for abit's definition of stock voltage was 1.45V.

Since I got the new board I am running at 281X9 with 1.475V and the hottest I've seen it as is 53 degrees Celcius. While idling it is around 37 degrees Celcius. The processor is cooled by a XP-120 with a 100CFM 120MM fan.


Forgot to mention it's a A64 3000+ Winchester.
im guessing that you have the epox 9npa+ ultra or some variant of it? users have often reported that these board's temp sensor is inaccurate though i havent had a problem with mine. have you tried remounting the heatsink?
Or checking the air coming from the heatsink? You'll probably be able to tell if its too hot or not.
The motherboard is the EPoX 9U1697 GLI, the ULI chipset that's SLi compatable or it was. I remounted the heatsink after I put it on the first time. The only reason I did that was because it seemed to go together too well. When I first got the XP-120 it was a major pain in the ass this time however it went on with ease. After I mounted the heatsink the second time I picked up the motherboard and HSF by the heatsink. Since it didn't move I twisted it a little and there was little to no play. The contact is good I suppose and there is adaquate air flow.

The question I was really after is low to mid 50s Celcius too much for a Winchester A64?
With an XP-120 with a 100 cfm those temps are a bit high. I'd expect you to hit around low to mid 40's. What is your ambient temp? Those temps wouldn't be bad I suppose if you were using the stock cooler.
Well according to EPoX's utility my system temps are 30-32 degrees Celcius. The ambient temp is usally around 72-74 degrees Fahrenheit. I guess I should also mention that the case is under the desk and is wide open, meaning it isn't stuffed in a drawer.