New Motherboard Not Booting into XP


Limp Gawd
May 4, 2006

For some background you can check here

Basically, my motherboard got fried so I ordered a new Gigabyte DS3L. While I was at it, went ahead and got new CPU. I wanted to transfer over my old system over to the new motherboard. The previous thread asks this and the simplest answer seems to be Windows XP repair console.

So, new board came in and everything is inside. When I boot, to the cd, I select repair, then it does it's thing and then tries to boot to windows. You see the Windows load up screen for about a second and it reboots. No beeps or anything. Then when it reboots it asks if I want to start up normally or safe mode, etc. All of them goes back to rebooting the system. :confused:

Any ideas?

Just to clarify, I booted from CD, then selected Repair Windows, then it went to a screen where it said ESC to cancel or C for Windows. I hit C and it rebooted (right away), then it tried to go to Windows again. So, I switched the boot sequence to CD first again and now it in the Setup Screen. Not sure if it's stuck or doing it's thing. How long does it normally take to repair?

I just realized that after a little searching.

Now, here's another problem. I now go to Set Up Windows. After it goes through all the checks there's the part where you hit F8 if you agree to the terms and conditions. I CANNOT HIT F8!!! All other keys seems to work (page up, page down and esc) but I keep hitting F8 and nothing? I have to say, after all the computer's I've built, this is a first.

I'm rebooting now and trying again. But anyone encounter this before?

Switched keyboards and seems to go through now.
Will keep you all posted