New NEC 20WMGX2!!! (Pics inside 56K)

Here's some pictures of my monitor, taken in a dark room. Two ISO levels, 100 and 200, of which the 100 seems more accurate, at least when viewed in fullscreen mode in a dark room. Don't know about shutter speed, distance is something close to 60 cm. Oh, and the occasional red dot is from the camera - gotta love the glossy coating.

I also confirmed that the yellow haze appears even if I move my head a 5 cm. Or should I say gets stronger - it's somewhat apparent all the time.

Fellow owners, please report on your experiences. Is this a feature or a flaw?
That's normal for S-IPS panels. S-IPS panels do have good viewing angles, except for black in a dark room. Black will turn orange/yellow at slight angles and purple/blue at extreme angles. That's one thing I've always hated about S-IPS panels, but with other panels, you can't even view a solid color from a normal viewing distance on a large monitor without seeing differences due to the viewing angle.

If you use your computer in the dark often and don't mind some color shifting, perhaps a monitor with a P-MVA panel would be better for you, but the colors might not seem as bold in comparison.
Thank you for your answer, ToastyX. Seems I'll have to arrange some soft lighting when watching movies. It's a minor issue though, and my only complaint about the monitor. The fact that there's virtually no colour shift is more important to me, and I'd hate to change to a non-glossy monitor now. That coating is addicting.
Welc: I agree with ToastyX's reply completely.

I've attached some photos - in first i compare old and new display - new one is more evenly lit from corners when looking from smaller distance and yellow/brown haze disappears evenly when moving away from it.

On second photo i am showing how a bright spot has disappeared from 1st to 4th day. As i already mentioned, these spots change if i apply some pressure gently over the display. If you have similar problems, try tapping it sightly from sides. : )

A bit off-topic: I noticed that with displays USB hub connected, my computer takes a long time to recognize it during boot. Anyone else has this problem?
Sometimes my monitor isn't recognized properly after rebooting my PC - it will say "Plug and Pray Monitor" instead of NEC20WMGX2! But i don't have the monitor's USB port plugged into the PC.
Got my 20wmgx2 today, dialed the settings right where i want them and fuuuuuuck this thing is sharp. Totally worth the 535 i paid and then some.
I just bought two Samsung226bw panels for a dual monitor set-up but am not completely satisfied. Basically the NEC monitor is on sale, about 100$ more than what I paid for the samsungs. Is it worth it for me to return one of the samsung panels and get the NEC instead and how much difference in quality can i expect.

Thanks for your help...

I took the jump, and picked up the NEC today, and it is amazing, picture is much better than the samsung and only $100 difference for me, I'm know considering returning my other samsung and getting another NEC!!
After reading this whole thread, i bought it. its been a while since anybody has updated the does everybody who purchased feel about it after a time to get use to it?
Very close to pulling the trigger on this myself. Anyone have some updated recomendations if not still this? Anyone have this hooked up to a Xbox360 or a PS3 and have comments?
I love it except for it's terrible banding. gradients will have lines through them, which can make some games look not so great.
I love it except for it's terrible banding. gradients will have lines through them, which can make some games look not so great.

banding? wth, i have two of these and both have no banding at all, it may be your settings but do you have pic's of the banding and what are your settings?
i've tried tons of different settings, but the banding won't go away. maybe it's only a problem with some of them? I've read of other people having the same problem.

what settings are you using?

for me, any gradient will show noticable lines all equal distance apart.
ap3rtis said:
I love it except for it's terrible banding. gradients will have lines through them, which can make some games look not so great.
There shouldn't be any banding with the default settings.

Here are some tips to avoid banding:

1. Only use the Standard or Text DV modes. Don't use the Movie, Gaming, or Photo DV modes. Those modes will introduce terrible banding.
2. Don't set the brightness below 25%. Other settings will require messing with the contrast to eliminate banding.
3. Set the contrast to 50%. Other settings will introduce banding.
4. Use the Native color preset. Other settings will require messing with the contrast to eliminate banding, which will then mess up the color balance. This is one thing I don't like about this monitor.
5. Don't change any brightness, contrast, gamma, or color settings in your video card's driver settings.
6. Don't use any color profiles. Unfortunately, calibrating the monitor with a colorimeter will introduce some banding since it has to modify the video card's lookup tables. That's unavoidable with pretty much all consumer monitors.

Cali3350 said:
Very close to pulling the trigger on this myself. Anyone have some updated recomendations if not still this? Anyone have this hooked up to a Xbox360 or a PS3 and have comments?
I'm disappointed with the way it handles external devices.

It can do 1080p over DVI, but scaling options are not available, even in DVI-HD mode, so the image is stretched to fill the screen. It can't do 1080p over component.
1080i has some sort of ugly pixel-doubling bob deinterlacing. The image appears pixelated and bobs up and down.
720p over DVI has tearing with aspect scaling. 720p over component seems fine.
480p over DVI is not scaled properly. It's 3:2 instead of 4:3.
480i is not supported over DVI. 480i over component has the same ugly deinterlacing that 1080i does.
There is no luminance correction over DVI, so the PS3 looks washed out over HDMI.

S-video, composite, and component all look like they have some sort of ugly frame-blending noise filter, which degrades the image, and there's no way to disable it. I'm not happy with the image quality, but most people might not notice or care.

I don't know how it handles VGA since I don't ever use that.
There shouldn't be any banding with the default settings.

Here are some tips to avoid banding:

1. Only use the Standard or Text DV modes. Don't use the Movie, Gaming, or Photo DV modes. Those modes will introduce terrible banding.
2. Don't set the brightness below 25%. Other settings will require messing with the contrast to eliminate banding.
3. Set the contrast to 50%. Other settings will introduce banding.
4. Use the Native color preset. Other settings will require messing with the contrast to eliminate banding, which will then mess up the color balance. This is one thing I don't like about this monitor.
5. Don't change any brightness, contrast, gamma, or color settings in your video card's driver settings.
6. Don't use any color profiles. Unfortunately, calibrating the monitor with a colorimeter will introduce some banding since it has to modify the video card's lookup tables. That's unavoidable with pretty much all consumer monitors.

Doesn't do anything for me, I still have banding. My settings were pretty much the same as those, except for color settings, which weren't set to Native. Didn't change anything though.
I have a question I couldn't seem to find an answer to in this thread. I know the scaling doesn't work on the US version over DVI, but does it work on the composite (not component) input? I want to use my PS2/XBox/N64 with it, but a lot of my games obviously don't have widescreen support. Also, does anyone know if Dell's return/refund policy applies to the NEC displays they sell? If I'm going to buy a $600 piece of hardware, I'd like to know I can return/replace it without any hassle if I need to.
AceSnyp3r said:
I know the scaling doesn't work on the US version over DVI, but does it work on the composite (not component) input? I want to use my PS2/XBox/N64 with it, but a lot of my games obviously don't have widescreen support.
Yes, it scales properly over composite, but the quality is very bad. You'd be better off getting a $30 TV tuner and using S-Video. The quality will be much better, and you could use it with any monitor without worrying about scaling.

Here is one such TV tuner:
Just got mine, looks good so far :D I'm wondering though, are there drivers for this, and where can I find them? I downloaded the ones from NEC's website, but those only include drivers for the 20WGX2 not the 20WMGX2. Can I just use the 20WGX2 drivers, or are there ones specially made for the WM model or...?
You don't need drivers if you have no trouble using the native resolution, 1680x1050.
I've noticed that if I leave the display sitting on the desktop for several minutes, if I switch to looking at a black screen, I can see a faint shadow of the icons and such for a minute or two. Kind of like burn in, but temporary I suppose. Is that normal for LCDs to do?
I've just purchased 20wgx2 pro (similar to "m", but for european market). So far very nice panel (after 3 year old samsung crt, I see so many colors and details I didn't know they existed before ;) ).

Unfortunately I've found 3 malfunctioning sub-pixels (1 up, 2 down), so far.


Actually they don't seem to be stuck. On purely black background one of them seems to have tiny leaks in red part. The other one have partially messed green subpixel. apart from that, both of them work more or less well.
AceSnyp3r said:
I've noticed that if I leave the display sitting on the desktop for several minutes, if I switch to looking at a black screen, I can see a faint shadow of the icons and such for a minute or two. Kind of like burn in, but temporary I suppose. Is that normal for LCDs to do?
Normal for LCDs? No. Normal for this monitor? Yes, although some insist theirs doesn't do this, but mine does, and I've seen other people mention it.
Well looks like I have to get a replacement :( I was really falling in love with this display, but tonight after a long afternoon of playing Red Orchestra, I happened to be looking at a completely black screen, at noticed all these tiny little green/red specs. Pulled out a magnifying glass, sure enough, looks to be stuck sub-pixels, and a LOT of them. Too many for me to count, scattered all around the display. Pretty sure they weren't here when I got the display. I can't even notice them unless my face is almost touching the display, but if sub-pixels are going to keep getting stuck on me, I need a replacement. I'll try to arrange a cross-shipment with NEC or Dell or something in the morning I guess...
I got this LCD back when it was selling for 700+ and I'm still happy about my purchase everyday. I first saw it at Fry's, was the clearest and nicest LCD I had ever seen. Amazing that it sells for around 500 dollars now.

ToastyX said:
I'm disappointed with the way it handles external devices.

It can do 1080p over DVI, but scaling options are not available, even in DVI-HD mode, so the image is stretched to fill the screen. It can't do 1080p over component.
1080i has some sort of ugly pixel-doubling bob deinterlacing. The image appears pixelated and bobs up and down.
720p over DVI has tearing with aspect scaling. 720p over component seems fine.
480p over DVI is not scaled properly. It's 3:2 instead of 4:3.
480i is not supported over DVI. 480i over component has the same ugly deinterlacing that 1080i does.
There is no luminance correction over DVI, so the PS3 looks washed out over HDMI.

S-video, composite, and component all look like they have some sort of ugly frame-blending noise filter, which degrades the image, and there's no way to disable it. I'm not happy with the image quality, but most people might not notice or care.

Thank you for making that little list, it very much helped to clarify the issues I was seeing with my PS3 over DVI. Having 1080p was a nice little surprise for me, but it's too bad that there are no scaling options. Though when I first started using it on 1080p, I didn't even realize the scaling was incorrect. I usually just leave it on 1080p anyway because it's a lot harder to see the stretching in a video game than it is with real people in movies (except if you're looking at a circle or a square).

720p tearing is a real bummer too, very obvious on Aspect and even more obvious with scaling Off. Fortunately if scaling is on Full there's no tearing (that I could see), so I just leave it like that despite the stretching.

I'm not sure what luminance correction is really, but I do know what you mean about the washed out look. Fortunately the latest PS3 firmware 1.8 now gives you the option to change RGB output from Limited to Full. Doing so eliminated that washed out look for me and made everything look very rich. However a bug still exists with the firmware that causes the PS3 to revert to Limited RGB Output after putting in PS2 games or regular DVDs (and other things) even though it says that Full output is still on. So you have to go and manually change it back again.

I was also curious, does this LCD support Super White? That's also a new option with the PS3 firmware 1.8.

For anyone looking to use this LCD for PS3, I highly recommend that you use DVI rather than component. I started off using component and the image quality was pretty bad. I was bummed for a long time because I didn't think that was what high def should look like, bad colors and everything. I switched to DVI using an HDMI adapter and the difference was extremely noticeable, colors were rich and beautiful. So I can only surmise that this LCD's component inputs (or maybe only the ones on my LCD alone) are not very good. Haven't given VGA a try yet...

Here's hoping some new firmware comes out to fix the way the LCD handles external devices.
just snagged one of these off the egg and hoping for the best. I'm coming from an old 17" LCD so I should be blown away.

In case there are some that still dont know, NEC is offering a $100 (!) MIR now. Main reason I finally decided on this. I looked at 22", 24", and the 37" westinghouse but decided to go for this. Hopefully I dont regret it. :)
just snagged one of these off the egg and hoping for the best. I'm coming from an old 17" LCD so I should be blown away.

In case there are some that still dont know, NEC is offering a $100 (!) MIR now. Main reason I finally decided on this. I looked at 22", 24", and the 37" westinghouse but decided to go for this. Hopefully I dont regret it. :)

yeah that rebate made me finally decide on this monitor too, hopefully i'll get it by the end of the week.

My beautiful NEC 20WMGX2 is D E A D. Probably a power supply issue, not a single peeep out of it. I've had it since about 4-27-06, as per my original posting here.
That being said, lets see how the warranty works out (3year right?). BTW, like a shmuck, I oped for Frys' coverage (3 years) DOH! Didn't know bout NEC warranty..
Does anyone have any suggestion on which way to go as far as getting it serviced/replaced?

My beautiful NEC 20WMGX2 is D E A D. Probably a power supply issue, not a single peeep out of it. I've had it since about 4-27-06, as per my original posting here.
That being said, lets see how the warranty works out (3year right?). BTW, like a shmuck, I oped for Frys' coverage (3 years) DOH! Didn't know bout NEC warranty..
Does anyone have any suggestion on which way to go as far as getting it serviced/replaced?

that sucks man, i'd give NEC a call

wait you have the replacemant fry's plan?

then take it back to fry's and they should give you a new one on the spot, no questions asked:)
Ok, I need some advice here. The replacement I just got has the same issue as the original. A bunch of tiny little, what look like, dead sub-pixels all over the screen. I can't see them unless I look very closely for them, and I need a magnifying glass to make them out very clearly at all. Worse yet, this one has 3 stuck on pixels near the center of the screen, red, green, and blue! Should I just keep the old one and send this one back, or keep trying for replacements? I really like this display other than that one issue that I can easily ignore, if it even is an issue. Maybe it's not even a problem, if anyone else feels like staring at their display under a magnifying glass for a few minutes to see if they're getting the same thing, that'd be cool. Just use the blank screensaver or any other tool of your choice to have a completely black screen.
that sucks man, i'd give NEC a call

wait you have the replacemant fry's plan?

then take it back to fry's and they should give you a new one on the spot, no questions asked:)

Niiiiiice ... too bad I couldn't upgrade ... I'm itching for a 24" or bigger screen
ANyway, thanks for the reply, one less thing to stress about
Niiiiiice ... too bad I couldn't upgrade ... I'm itching for a 24" or bigger screen
ANyway, thanks for the reply, one less thing to stress about

well if they dont have the same model they have to give you the next best thing i believe, but not positive....
i wouldnt let them talk you into a lower end model for sure though

EDIT never mind they'll have that one:D
Hey guys, I just bought the 19" brother of the 20WMGX2, the 90GX2. Just turned it on tonight. Nice panel! But I want to get eyeballs on the 20 to see what all the fuss is about. I really don't need the TV tuner and such but hey.

I read on PC Mag I think) where they said the 20WMGX2 doesn't downscale regular 4:3 aspect ratio very well. It always stretches it for standard PC monitor viewing, so you have geom distortion.

That can't be good. :(
So what is the general consensus on xbox 360 use? Which of these looks the best?

720p via HDMI in DVI-HD
720p via HDMI in DVI-PC
720p via Component
1080i via Component
720p via VGA
1080i via VGA

And, on the best connection mode, which scaling option yields a 16:9 image with black bars?
I haven't tried HDMI, but between the analogue options, I find that VGA at 1280x1024 widescreen expanded looks the best, however VGA mode doesn't seem to be too adjustable as far as the screen size and aspect ratio goes.

You can mantain aspect ratio in component, but I find that the image quality is just generally worse in component vs VGA (not really sure why, a good implementation should have them looking quite close)
I'm under the impression that this is close to being the "ideal" gaming LCD for a lot of people.

I'm in the hunt for a WS LCD, 20-24 inches. If I have to give up some size for quality, then I guess I'll do it.

During my research and such, this monitor keeps coming up and I'm under the impression that it's the closest thing I'm going to see to an "ultimate gaming monitor."

Am I right about that? I know that NEC has discontinued it and newegg looks like it has the best price on it.

Seems like a rough market, in general, to make a really confident decision.
It's probably the best monitor you can get if you want the quickest response time you can get while still having great colors
During my research and such, this monitor keeps coming up and I'm under the impression that it's the closest thing I'm going to see to an "ultimate gaming monitor."

Am I right about that?

I've been using it for about 3 months now and I must say it's been the best monitor ever. Clear, sharp, bright, great colors, no noticeable ghosting, etc. I'm glad I bought it.