New Nickelback MP3 album at Amazon for $3.99..


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2008
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Thanks for the link, was going to by the for the Mrs. today anyways. Saved me $6 and a trip to best buy.
from the reviews it sounds like they are capitalizing on their "heavier" songs now. I might have to check it out, the last album was a bit weak for my taste, but I actually liked the long road....

dark tranquillity still owns them though :p
Hmmm... I like Nickelback, so much that I was willing to spend that extra six bucks to get a real CD. But this is more tempting. There's only four songs I want. I'll save the money. Thanks, OP.
mmm nickelback, already picked up a ahrd copy for FLAC ripping but this is an amazing deal. it's definitely no silver side up though ...
I love these cheap, drm free cd's. I've bought several from amazon and I've always been happy.
Outstanding! DRM-free album for $4.

Hopefully this iTunes will follow suit one day...
4 bucks... great deal