New post layout is kinda weird.

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Jul 28, 2003
I'm pretty much wondering why we changed it so post info is on top instead of the left now?

I guess I'm too used to the old layout, but again every board I've used has the old layout. Is there any option a user has in their CP to possibly change it for their login session?
When the advertisements were added to the right hand side, the old format looked way too crowded and confused. The present format is the final result of several attempts to streamline the look. If you want further information, look back about a week in this forum,there are 'several' threads on the changes.
I think alligning the signatures to the right would improve readability... right now I just have them turned off to cut down on clutter.
It will be easier on the eyes if the ads are on the left side. The text aligns to the left so your eyes will be looking more to the left of the monitor most of the time. It's more of a strain to look far left, moving the ads to the left side will make it where you will be looking more toward the middle. This is why in most of decent web design you'll see the navigation on the left side and main content on the right.
demografik said:
It will be easier on the eyes if the ads are on the left side.

Actually they had the ads on the left side at first, and it didnt look too great. IMO, it is easier to see if the ads are on the right, since you're used to seeing the posts on the left side. I like how it is now that I gotten used to it.
I like it the old way, also It's better with the ads on the left. But who are we?
Thanks for your imput, but if you looked at the threads about this when the change was made, you would know it is a done deal.
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