New Poster Design...


Aug 5, 2004
What do yall think of my latest poster?

The Y being white makes it hard to read and does not fit the design IMO. Also, the way the text cuts into the border does not appeal to me visually.

I really like the backgorund and the abstract shapes. :D
I think it's excellent aesthetically; definitely eye catching and I like the sort of monochromatic way about it. I guess the only issue is how easy/hard is it to read. For me it's no problem, but you know how some folks are. :)
Visually, it's eye catching and nicely done, I think.

However, advertising yourself with AIM, a hotmail addy and a myspace page does not give me confidence in your professionalism.
However, advertising yourself with AIM, a hotmail addy and a myspace page does not give me confidence in your professionalism.

I agree totally, the thing is i just started in this graphic design thing, im working on a website right now, and one of these days i'll setup an email with my internet provider, so then i'll be official, thanks for the comments, much appreciated
JR_Rider said:
I agree totally, the thing is i just started in this graphic design thing, im working on a website right now, and one of these days i'll setup an email with my internet provider, so then i'll be official, thanks for the comments, much appreciated
Domain names and hosting are pretty cheap these days, even if you're just starting out, I'd say you'd be better off to go that route.

BTW, you mentioned DVD covers. I'd add CD covers to your arsenal. There are a lot of independent bands/labels out there that could use your services. Again, I'd say they are more likely to consider you if you use a domain addy and not hotmail.
i would lighten up that really dark star in the upper left portion. That's whats throwing the "Y" off. too contrasted. otherwise, looks nice!

I like it a lot. I'd suggest getting rid of the AIM/myspace/other stuff and sort out a domain and that etc. Anyway, it's pro - wp.
secure a domain
remove aim name
put phone number and po box

pro: ensures professionalism
con: spam
Whilst agreeing with what has gone before, I am not sure that it fits purpose, it looks more like an advert for a film or computer game, than for a design company, the scaline effect re-enforcing that even further. Whilst demonstrating some of the techiques you are capable of doing, I am not sure it works. What you need to do (IMO) is do yourself a more subtle advertising blurb, and then link to example work, which can show off themed designs.