New PowerBook Owner


Limp Gawd
May 31, 2005
This is my first Mac and I have heard that it is not necessary to have virus protection or spyware protection. Is this true? If not what would you recommend?
For the time being, mac's (for the most part) appear to be impervious to virus infections. I would not worry about it.
Just don't be an idiot and you'll be set. ;) Use caution when opening applications, but for the most part, you need not worry.
First you need to make a tin foil hat to block the brain scanner waves from the sky......

Yea the others have pretty much said it right. Hell Norton antivirus for the mac causes more problems then it will fix. Just clean out your cookies every once in a while and you'll be fine.
One thing that you should still keep in mind is that you can still recieve the virus files in E-Mails and download them on your computer, they just won't do anything but sit there. That is, until you e-mail them to your friend with a PC. That's probably the best reason to run some software that scans for viruses, to protect the people around you.
Black Morty Rackham said:
Just don't be an idiot and you'll be set. ;) Use caution when opening applications, but for the most part, you need not worry.

What does that even mean?

Is it possible to open an application carefully?