New Powersupply advice


[H]F Junkie
Oct 3, 2007
Hey guys, I'm currently using a Corsair HX850 and am looking to upgrade to a higher PSU.

I've been looking at the Silverstone Strider Gold 1200, Corsair AX1200 (Coil whine is a huge deterrent), Antec High Current Pro 1200.

Which one would you recommend powering my system in sig? I want something that is rock solid but is also best bang for your buck (Rock solid and can let me OC).

Which one is the best (if money isn't an issue)?
Which one is the best (If money IS an issue, aka best price: performance ratio).

Your current HX850 will handle your current system just fine with any kind of overclock you want to put on it. Your best price: performance ratio is your current power supply.

The best out of those three is the Antec HCP 1200. All 3, however, do perform very similarly.
I'm not sure if its BF3 or what, but when I'm playing my SLI performance is terrible. It's 60-70fps then over time it dips to 20 fps.. for a long time. I'm not sure if its because of VRAM limitation or not?

Also, is it a big deal when it comes to multiple 12v rails? Seems like its a washup between what people say. However [H] review said it was fine.
Whatever the problem is, it is not your power supply.
That looks more like SLI isn't working properly. Card temps should be approximately the same, as they split the load evenly.
That's weird, I've always thought the top card gets more heat as heat dissipates from the lower card? Anyhow, I think I figured it out, must have been VRAM limited, I lowered AA down to 2x and now its not slowing down at all... need to test further to confirm.
That is true, but to a certain extent. The most difference I've seen is 10 C or so. Not close to 30 C like your case.
It's probably because there isn't much room for my card to breathe at the top. Too close to each other. Ah well, 80 isn't too bad.